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2nd pup

Guest daztheman

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Guest daztheman

hi all ( my first post) i've got a four month old lurcher bitch i would like to get another about the same age has anybody had two pups at the same time and were there any problems. many thanks. Daz

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I'd say stick to the one for now, lots of peeps have more for different reasons, i've got 3 of various sizes, and all with 1 year age gap and it's still hard to find time getting the youngest one trained, so training 2 is gonna be a pain in the arse, you'll prob get better results sticking to one for now and if you still want more later it'll be easier for you, plus any mistakes you make with the first one, you 'll be in a better position to sort it with the second ....... :good:

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Guest sushie

I had 2 pups once and it was a nightmare! If i took em out together for training all they did was f*ck about if i took one and not the other the one left at home would howl the place down! I admit i started to favour one of them like other people say can happen,I got them halfway decent in the end but i would never try having 2 again! Better putting all your time into one dog i reckon.

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