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Folding shovels


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If anybody is thinking of getting a folding shovel, don't bother.

I bought one because I was looking to lighten up my gear a bit.


On Sunday my poley laid up about 4ft down.

I started digging and got to about 1ft into the hole before the bleedin' thing broke - the rivets holding the blade to the handle popped out.

This left me cursing, I had a ferret down the hole and nothing to dig him out with. :realmad:



I've seen a few of these shovels for sale in various places and, as cheap or as handy as they seem, are a waste of time.

Just thought I'd warn anyone else before they go out and buy one.

I can repair it, but that's not really any good when you're stuck out in the middle of nowhere with a ferret down the hole.

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  Kay said:
I fail to see how anything that can be folded will be any good to put any amount of pressure on it when digging with out it breaking pretty quickly after a bit of use


The mechanical theory behind the folding/locking is sound and the locking screw makes sure it isn't going anywhere (Note that I said 'theory').

The build and material quality of it leaves a lot to be desired. I'd rather see some welding rather than rivets and thicker gauge on the bracket holding the blade.

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yep no way would i either, my mate brought one and we both thort the same as most. it wouldnt be a bad idea for ferreting, we left it in a burrow lol. i auctaly found it about a year later and ive put it back so some one with a metal dector will find it in 1 million years and make money :D

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  Cornio said:
  Kay said:
I fail to see how anything that can be folded will be any good to put any amount of pressure on it when digging with out it breaking pretty quickly after a bit of use


The mechanical theory behind the folding/locking is sound and the locking screw makes sure it isn't going anywhere (Note that I said 'theory').

The build and material quality of it leaves a lot to be desired. I'd rather see some welding rather than rivets and thicker gauge on the bracket holding the blade.



Well everything i have ever had here that folds has broken :laugh: maybe i am to rough i just know they always break :laugh:

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Try and get one of the old US Military folding ones. Use it as a pick or as a shovel. The handle is about two feet long so they are not too short to of use. Had one years ago and someone borrowed it. Never been seen again. Can't remember who borrowed it either.

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I wouldn't bother with one unles its to take the spoil ot the hole your digging .When i start digging i want to get down to my ferret as quickly and safely for the ferret as possible and i cant see a folding spade taking all the abuse a seasons ferreting would give it

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