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My labs beating today

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well we took our 2 black labs beating today, they have both done it before but the last 18 months to 2 years we have just used them for retrieves and bushing rabbits for the lurchers. Anyway all was good, both were very well behaved until the last drive when jake (the big guy) decided he'd had enough of taking instruction and was going to do things his own way. He has selective hearing down to a t, hes better than the other half at it! and i dont think it helped that i had run out of tit bits, everyone knows the way to a labs heart is through its belly! lol Well i was left one side of a swollen stream whilst he reeked havok on the other :icon_redface:

So apart from that little mishap i am really pleased with them both, considering they have been allowed to hunt up on their own accord for about 2 years it's not proving too difficult getting them back under control!




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Really good day today beating. only took jake today so i could concentrate on getting him working right.

1st drive he stayed on the lead for the first part, ive invested in a whistle (a pink one!) and wanted to make sure i had his attention. He walked at heel and when i stopped he sat at my feet, very steady with lots of birds infront of him! once we'd flushed most of them i let him off to enter a bit of thick bramble and stingy stuff where i didnt want to walk! he saw one of the guns shoot a bird and proceeded to retrieve it straight back to me! At the end of the first drive we did some picking up with all the other dogs and in the bit where i worked jake he found 2 birds and retrieved them to me! :clapper::clapper:

2nd drive off the lead, very steady.

3rd drive off the lead, pushed a few birds from the surrounding fields into the drive with mick and his gwp dog. Jake was very good and followed directional commands like a pro! when we joined the drive he got wind of my hubby and off he went! when i caught up he was working fine but i had whistled him to return to me and he had run off so i pulled him to me and blew the whistle loud 2/3 times, it seemed to do the trick and he was good for the rest of the day :clapper::clapper:


Looking forward to the next one now, should be a natural by the end of the season! lol!

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