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Net Quality?

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I'm 100% straight out of a comic book when it comes to Ferreting but I'm determined to get out and net a few bunnies for the freezer for some different Hawk Food plus the odd one for the Pot :snack:....


I have used Ferrets for a good few years for Bolting to Hawks or shotgun but never tried the netting side of things which will be a new venture. so far I have invested in 3 MK3M collars to go with my old one, a few more Ferrets includeing a nice Jill Millet gave me a few weeks back, and now finally invested in some nets...


Looking at these nets which came off Ebay they look a tad flimsy or are they supposed to be like this? It looks like some sort of wool that was used to make them which feel pretty strong but just from my personal opinion don't seem quite what I expected :hmm:.


I know its hard to tell by looking at a picture but if someone can give me a rough opinion please it would be much apreciated :thumbs:. so far I have 10 of these and am in the market for some more soon....






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The net looks fine, double stranded. The pegs should be replaced you will find it almost impossible to get those into the ground. If you do not fancy replacing them at least shave a long taper on them that will help you get them into the ground.


Edited to say, if you want first class nets get hold of netrigger or mole catcher, the stuff they sell is first class.

Edited by tiercel
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I have nets that are at least 15 years old, they make the new ones I bought from ebay look like carrier bags...My new ebay ones are 4oz and tangle too easy, I got new 6oz'ers and there a lot better, But my old nets are better than either of them, I noticed the other day the old ones have a thin piece of cord wrapped tight around the ring with the net tied over the top, the cord then runs off and is tied onto the net about one mesh down, I never saw this on any other purse net, But they never tangle, or go back through themselves & are a lot easier to sort out when getting a rabbit out, I will put up a pic, has anyone ever seen nets with this cord on them?

Edited by Fat-Ferret
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  The one said:
Im no impressed with them it does look like wool its no a nice big heavy ring and the peg look's like a bit of dowel


I know nothing about nets but I totaly agree mate they're pretty flimsy!! You're also bang on its a bit of dowel for the pegs :yes:.....


I'm keeping my eyes open for some more but what do I go for Spun Nylon or Hemp?





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  • 2 weeks later...
  Halfinch said:
They look like they will be a nightmare in brambles and suchlike, but let us know how you get on with them.


Yes mate you're 100% right! been out a few times now and they pluck like wool on Bramble, Nettle stems and just about anything to be honest, not good :no:...


Just to say thankyou to Richie for sorting me out some nets and pegs :notworthy:. they top class compared to the one's off Ebay. nice one mate I owe you one! we'll have to get out and have some sport sometime soon :thumbs:..





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It's up to you mate hemps fine as long as you put the effort in to looking after them ,but at the end of the day when you itching to be finished and looking foreward to a nice hot bath spun net's will be fine lying soaking in the bag till another day

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Guest Mass_G3nocide

I prefer hemp nets they dont seem to tangle as much as the nylon ones i just bought a load of Fleabay and are waiting for them to turn up i hope they are good especially for the amount they cost...Good luck with your nets,Hope all works out well... ;)

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Must admit, when i do use nets, the nylon one's allow you to put yer feet up at the end of the day. I've had enough after putting the critters back in there cages and feeding them, never mind hanging nets up as well!

But I don't rely on them as much as most folks! ;)

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