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Guest greengrass123

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what fekin gets me is that no 1 got the fekin sack the social services should fel a thousand shames and i hope the 3 b$#%@#ds get tourcherd in fekin prison and never let out hangin them would be the easy way out they should live with it every day till they die. R.I.P baby P your safe now






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I feel sick just thinking about it... :sick:

But you have to give a little leeway to the authouroties..

They are very busy after all catching all those naughty people with the wrong spacing or characters on their number plates, or are 2 days late paying their car tax.

And they have no money beacause they have to fund those poor politicians lifestyles, who have to furnish 3 house, and have a team of staff to cater to their every whim..And lets face it, why make people work for a living when the goverment can pay for fit, able bodied people to stay at home?


Rule Brittania...





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I've just e-mailed everyone in my contacts list. If anyone else fancies doing the same and making a difference, I've copied and pasted it below to make it easier for you:



Right! We've all heard or read about the horrific things that happened to Baby P and I'm sure you, like me, were appalled by the way this poor wee fellow was let down by so many people, including; social services (60 visits and no-one noticed a thing?) and the GP who checked him and failed to notice, among other injuries, a broken spine! It's now time for us all to stop moaning about it and DO SOMETHING!

The Sun are running a petition, which we should ask everyone we know to sign. It takes two seconds to do it:

Oh! And forward it to everyone you know, please




What are you doing still reading this? Click the bloody link if ensuring that children are never failed like this again is important to you!

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The first I heard of Baby P being murdered, wasn't in the Papers or on the news. I watched Prime Ministers Questions as I do sometimes, and watched the inadequate, money grabbing, faceless and hypocritical bureaucrats that they call Social Services get a hammering along with Gordon Brown, the most inadequate and spineless of them all.


I have to admit, never before in one of these sessions have I seen such an Ugly debate, and seen the PM actually left standing on no feet whatsoever. He knows he has personally done wrong, and knows that the report into Baby P which was published has to be taken seriously.


Will he?


Not a f*****g chance. There will still be the same people in Social Services, putting children of all ages into constant danger without doing a thing because they don't want to cause a political fuss. I just couldn't do it. If something was utterly wrong like that, I would go as high and as far as I possibly could. f**k the rest of the crowd following like sheep, I've never been one for convention.


I really do feel utterly ashamed that those who so, so unfortunate not to be able to have children of their own have to suffer, when those who are perfectly capable of having kids and cant keep it in their trousers and cause some of the most horrific abuse imaginable.


A point L 'n' L brought up made me think, about each and every taxpayer paying for them to survive. Human Rights!! What about Baby P's Human Rights. It is not meant to be this way. You void your Human Rights by violating someone else's in my opinion. If you have the mentality to do something like that, what Human Rights do you deserve? f**k All.


Capital Punishment was when criminals truly feared the consequences of their actions. Murder should be a Capital Punishment offense in any country. How can you take one life, and expect to keep your own. But the biggest bureaucracy of them all, the E.U, decided that was not allowed, not fair.


Fair Exchange is No Robbery. One Life, for One Life. Or in this case, Three Lives.


SS :thumbs:


P.S Signed :thumbs:

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It makes me sick that in this day and age this sort of thing can be allowed to go unnoticed by the authorities.


I haven't read too many details either because I can't but I did read the timeline of events recently and alarm bells should have rung long before he died. That she was arrested twice and freed without charge is dispicable bearing in mind the circumstances.

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It makes me sick that in this day and age this sort of thing can be allowed to go unnoticed by the authorities.


I haven't read too many details either because I can't but I did read the timeline of events recently and alarm bells should have rung long before he died. That she was arrested twice and freed without charge is dispicable bearing in mind the circumstances.


Not just the authorities, its the neighbours, the parents of all concerned, the young girl who lived in the house who saw what was going on and never said a word until the baby died??? what freeking planet where they on, they must have lay in bed listening to him scream, how could they???

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