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More than I thought!

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Out stalking today at first light and spotted a Roe doe and kid 40 yards away in a stand of oaks. Shot at the doe broadside on and lost sight of her with the recoil. Then had the horror of watching two deer run away in different directions..... Concluding that I couldn't be so useless as to completely miss a deer at that range, I went forward praying for a blood trail to get the dog onto. Hidden from sight behind a fallen branch was the doe, dropped in her tracks thankfully. Three deer there; just didn't see the third one at the time! :icon_redface:

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Glad to hear you had a good conclusion mate .Happened to me more than once but you have to trust your gut feeling about the shot being good .I remember once ,a chap phoning me for my dog to trail a deer he thought he hit late in the evening and saw run off two fields into some maize cover crop , but the dog found the doe he'd hit ,dead ,and not more than 10 yds from the spot but in deep stingers .

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