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robbed snares

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i have set out 10 snares the way glenn waters says and after a few nights of moves snares and a bit of fine tuning last night i caught my first rabbit but by the time i got there this morning all the was left was a poorly butchered carcass.


what can i do to stop this?


the snare caught the rabbit just behind its front legs thisc isnt normal what am i doing wrong? :angry:

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i have set out 10 snares the way glenn waters says and after a few nights of moves snares and a bit of fine tuning last night i caught my first rabbit but by the time i got there this morning all the was left was a poorly butchered carcass.


what can i do to stop this?


the snare caught the rabbit just behind its front legs thisc isnt normal what am i doing wrong? :angry:

if it was pegged snares they were set to low, now kill the fox , and the rabbits wil be yours
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i have set out 10 snares the way glenn waters says and after a few nights of moves snares and a bit of fine tuning last night i caught my first rabbit but by the time i got there this morning all the was left was a poorly butchered carcass.


what can i do to stop this?


the snare caught the rabbit just behind its front legs thisc isnt normal what am i doing wrong? :angry:

if it was pegged snares they were set to low, now kill the fox , and the rabbits wil be yours



thanks mate


What wwould be the best way to kill the fox it is close to the farm and dogs roam around so snaring is risky

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if dogs are roaming about they could get caught in rabbit snares as well ,if you think that a problem set them at dusk and pull them to in the morning when your checking your snares .


ok thanks can you set fox snares like pegs with tealers but just bigger and with a steel fox snare instead of a brass rabbit one

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Try to get someone with a bit snaring experience to go with you and help you set the fox snares and despatch the fox once caught.

Dont try setting them yourself if you dont think you can set them properly. If you do and you then catch the ginger fella you have no means of a clean despatch so you really need someone with you who knows what they're doing.

All the best of luck though,its good when you catch your first one ;-)

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Are you sure that it wasn't the roaming farm dogs that chewed up your snared rabbit??



nope i dont think so. they are well fed and lazy and i dont think tyhey would eat all of those guts :sick:


And exactly how much chasing is involved with a snared rabbit?

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if the fox is still alive and kicking in the snare . and you have no gun to despatch it. take a heavey stout stick [ a pick axe handle is good] or a spade with you when you check the snares.. . a good sharp blow to the head will switch charlie off like a light. :o sounds a bit barbaric . but you got no other option. and if done correctly one well aimed hard blow will end it quickly.. ;)

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