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I have done a search on google, but all I can find is stuff about wallace and gromit. I was hoping somebody could provide me with a description (and hopefully a picture) of what a grommit is. Also, what are end-pins?


Really interested in getting myself a longnet, but know f*ck all about them. Once ive got all the equipment Ishould pick up the technique fast enough :D



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I have done a search on google, but all I can find is stuff about wallace and gromit. I was hoping somebody could provide me with a description (and hopefully a picture) of what a grommit is. Also, what are end-pins?


Really interested in getting myself a longnet, but know f*ck all about them. Once ive got all the equipment Ishould pick up the technique fast enough :D




MATE GET IN TOUCH WITH MOLCATCHER HE WILL PUT YOU IN THE RIGHT DIRECTION . send him a pm with your number and he will get in touch with you he is a nice bloke :thumbs:

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mate, if you are after a traditional net, i dont know much but can tell you what those 2 are, on a traditional you have hazel poles (or fiberglass) usually 5 yard apart. On each end, to keep everything tight, you have 2 metal end pins, this is kind of a gian washer on a strong metal pole, not very long. You can also collect your net on this. The grommits, as far as I know are for the quickset nets. These are usualy a rubber type ring, which goes tight on the pole fixing the top and bottom line in place, stopping it from slipping or sliding. I dont personally know anyone which uses grommits on a Trad net as usually a hazel pole with lines on tight will keep it all fairly tight. although on un-grommited fiberglass poles a bit of masking/electrical tape stops any sliding. Hope this helps, but if you want to know expert advise, PM and speak to Molecatcher.

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