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A grand day out

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I had great pleasure today in being able to accompany my good friend Dwighet on a stalk, my first ever stalk. I set off from home at 4.00am to meet at 5.00am and arrive at his shoot before first light at 6.45am. The older novice, myself, and the young master now set out into the light forest and up a mountain as a light drizzle started to fall, already my old legs where aching by just looking at the climb before me, the last time I was up any mountain it was in a car.

I had got all my gear together last night and had bought a new ski jacket for today. Good value from TK-Max @€80 in camouflage of 3 tone grey, windproof, waterproof and breathable. And it worked well I didn’t get wet nor cold. Also I got 2 breathable vests again TK-Max that kept me warm and dry @€12.50 each, again in camouflage.


We reached the first ridge where we crept down and peered over the top. Using our binoculars we both scanned the far rise for deer for 10 minutes or more but could see nothing before rising and walking on. As soon as we rose 3 good fine deer ran off in front of us about 75m away. How well they can merge into their surroundings, and how well we must stand out even with our camo on. So onward and upward we went and now it was now getting a little brighter perhaps we could see them better and the drizzle had now stopped


As Dwighet reached the next ridge he beckoned me to go easy as he could see something across a large clearing within the next tree line. I approached and keeping low I could see through my binoculars a good sized deer in the trees about 75m off. Resting the CZ 550 6.5x5.5 I tried to view the deer through the S&B but it had disappeared behind a large tree. I waited and after what seemed age it reappeared but now it was between 2 trees that were 60cm apart and all I could see was the body of the deer. The head and chest were hidden but I could easily see from the front legs back to the start of the rump end.


My shot hit that deer just behind the front leg lower body area in the heart and lung kill zone and dropped on the spot. I didn’t even hear the shot I was so pumped up - my first deer kill hit where it should be hit, just where my tutor had told me to aim for. It was then that Dwighet said that he had seen another deer run as the report from the gun was heard, he was looking through the binoculars at my kill. We waited and the does fawn return, it had been out of sight higher up in the trees, to find its mother. Dwighet now took aim from my position and dropped the fawn with another kill zone hit, this time it was I that viewed the kill with my bino’s and saw it drop on the spot dead.


These 2 deer were gutted up on the mountain before being dragged down to the car, a good morning’s work done properly.


We headed to another shoot before going home. After only walking some 250m up the walk through Dwighet spotted a deer up ahead of us to the left at a range of about 40m. It took off but stopped to look back, a fatal error of judgement on the deer’s part as Dwighet dropped to one knee took aim and fired. Again a good shot but this time the deer rolled down a slope to where he had to retrieve it from. 3 deer in the bag and it was now getting near the 11.00 am stop time so after gutting the young stag I dragged it back to the car.

With smiles all round and a short breather it was off back home to a nice mug of hot coffee, a hot chicken baguette and then a quick tidy up before hanging our day’s catch in the cold store.

Thank you Dwighet for a day out to remember and talk over for many years to come. Cheers mate.


Doe and her fawn



CliveJ with our kill



Dwighet with our kill



I am a rock.

Photo showing my new ski camo jacket


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Thats 6.5 has seen yet another first!!


It was posted in all its glory on here two months back, after having shot my first buck with it, and now its given you the inroad into stalking.


Great Stuff.


Dwighet is a top chap, brought his rifle for me to shoot with all week, I cant think of very many people that would even consider doing it!


And it's great to share shooting like that, and a plus point, its in Ireland :D :D


SS :thumbs:


P.S Here she is again :D


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