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Check out 'Pigeon Shooting-Advice Needed' (I think it's on the next page). It's a good idea to keep your skin covered (at the least you should have a hat on) but keeping still is equally important. If there's a library near you why not go see if there's any books on pigeon shooting there? Most of the shooting magazines have pigeon shooting articles in them. It's as well to remember that there is no 'correct' way to do things when pigeon shooting and what works for one person somewhere in the country over one type of crop won't neccessarily work for every situation. Get out there and have a go. Good luck.



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Try visiting your permission at different times of the day and look for flight lines.


Both shells and full bodied work with shells being a bit cheaper to buy.


I like to have my face and hands covered as It`s like shining a torch up at them.


I try and stick to a fairly wide horseshoe pattern with the decoys facing Into the wind.


Get yourself some hide poles and a cammo net and If you are going after pigeons put a couple of crows on the outside of your pattern as they seem to give the pigeons more confidence to come In.


Hope this helps mate.

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