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There's nothing wrong with getting a dog out and about at a young age. Allowing a pup to watch a bit of ferretting will help get it used to the ferrets and it won't get run ragged all over the next county if it chases a bolter.

But you can only progress through the stages as and when the youngster develops.

At the moment your mates pup is curious enough to chase when he's in his comfort zone, i.e. in daylight when he can see around him. He's still immature enough that his survival instinct (fear of the unknown) overrides his prey drive in the dark so it's holding in check his desire to chase into the unknown.

This just means the dog isn't ready for the next stage yet.

I would stop the attempts to get early success and concentrate on play and bonding. Too much chasing and missing at this age may teach the dog that he can't catch rabbits and by the time he's mature enough to be giving that full on headlong committment that a dog needs to make a consistent catcher, he may already be reading each rabbits likelyhood of escape on the run up and not really try. We've all seen the dog that peels off the chase when a rabbit looks like making cover, when it should be doing the opposite and moving up a gear.

The dog will mature in his own good time, what your mate can do is ensure that when that time comes the youngster knows how to negotiate all the hurdles and pitfalls he's going to meet in the field, sheepwire, barbed wire, fallen trees etc..

Good luck



Well said that man ;) ..absolute spot on :clapper:

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Whos spiderfly????



I cant get over "my laws" lack of knowledge after all those years of experience.... I dont know what your job is, but try to do it in the dark! It will seem alot harder, so differewnt, and take you longer! imagine it, a sparky in the day grafting away. Then it goes dark, puts a torch on, and wow, how different does evrything look.....dont tell me your answer, as i already know it "you can do your blindfolded!


What is the point of asking a question on here, then arguing with everyone who doesnt say what you want to hear. Do you bot think it strange how everybody has given the same answer....

you are a fountain of knowledge [not] if you done every thing in the dark from day one you would be 10 times more capable than some one that has only done it once or twice [WORK IT OUT FOR YOUR SELF] ,yes i do see some giving the same answer but not all ,which shows that not every one is still living in the dark age of [YOU MUST NOT DO THIS WITH YOUR DOG ,OR YOU MUST NOT DO THAT ] no wonder a lot of dogs dont make the grade ,being breed of inferior stock that has not been given the chance to do what comes naturally .no one is going to persuade you or any one else stuck in their ways ,if you and others had the b***s to try leting your dogs live a bit closer to nature instead of sliping it of a piece of string and holding it back[they are not coursing grey hounds but a working dog that work side by side with their owners ] as a pup then a lot of these dogs that are CRAP would not be about to be pased around from one person to another.[any one out there ever tried letting a pup do what comes natural and leting it work what it wants when it whants and learn by its mistakes to see if it ends up a usles cripple that cant catch a rabbit ].i am not telling you what you should do with your dogs i simply staited what i would do with a young dog ,[a tried and tested method ,do you think i would continue to do it if if was not benifishal to the dog , ]if you want to own inferior dogs that is your decission the best of luck to you.[i do do my job in the dark i have done for the last 34years and it is with far superior dogs than you will ever own if you continue to hold your dogs back ] Edited by MY LAW
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There's nothing wrong with getting a dog out and about at a young age. Allowing a pup to watch a bit of ferretting will help get it used to the ferrets and it won't get run ragged all over the next county if it chases a bolter.

But you can only progress through the stages as and when the youngster develops.

At the moment your mates pup is curious enough to chase when he's in his comfort zone, i.e. in daylight when he can see around him. He's still immature enough that his survival instinct (fear of the unknown) overrides his prey drive in the dark so it's holding in check his desire to chase into the unknown.

This just means the dog isn't ready for the next stage yet.

I would stop the attempts to get early success and concentrate on play and bonding. Too much chasing and missing at this age may teach the dog that he can't catch rabbits and by the time he's mature enough to be giving that full on headlong committment that a dog needs to make a consistent catcher, he may already be reading each rabbits likelyhood of escape on the run up and not really try. We've all seen the dog that peels off the chase when a rabbit looks like making cover, when it should be doing the opposite and moving up a gear.

The dog will mature in his own good time, what your mate can do is ensure that when that time comes the youngster knows how to negotiate all the hurdles and pitfalls he's going to meet in the field, sheepwire, barbed wire, fallen trees etc..

Good luck

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well said j darcy.thats why i asked what age the owner was.I was given a pup last year by a young fella who promised he hadnt worked it but a funny thing happened when i took it out one night a few months later, it started yapping.sounds like another impatient young lad who wants a worker straight away.

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Whos spiderfly????



I cant get over "my laws" lack of knowledge after all those years of experience.... I dont know what your job is, but try to do it in the dark! It will seem alot harder, so differewnt, and take you longer! imagine it, a sparky in the day grafting away. Then it goes dark, puts a torch on, and wow, how different does evrything look.....dont tell me your answer, as i already know it "you can do your blindfolded!


What is the point of asking a question on here, then arguing with everyone who doesnt say what you want to hear. Do you bot think it strange how everybody has given the same answer....

you are a fountain of knowledge [not] if you done every thing in the dark from day one you would be 10 times more capable than some one that has only done it once or twice [WORK IT OUT FOR YOUR SELF] ,yes i do see some giving the same answer but not all ,which shows that not every one is still living in the dark age of [YOU MUST NOT DO THIS WITH YOUR DOG ,OR YOU MUST NOT DO THAT ] no wonder a lot of dogs dont make the grade ,being breed of inferior stock that has not been given the chance to do what comes naturally .no one is going to persuade you or any one else stuck in their ways ,if you and others had the b***s to try leting your dogs live a bit closer to nature instead of sliping it of a piece of string and holding it back[they are not coursing grey hounds but a working dog that work side by side with their owners ] as a pup then a lot of these dogs that are CRAP would not be about to be pased around from one person to another.[any one out there ever tried letting a pup do what comes natural and leting it work what it wants when it whants and learn by its mistakes to see if it ends up a usles cripple that cant catch a rabbit ].i am not telling you what you should do with your dogs i simply staited what i would do with a young dog ,[a tried and tested method ,do you think i would continue to do it if if was not benifishal to the dog , ]if you want to own inferior dogs that is your decission the best of luck to you.[i do do my job in the dark i have done for the last 34years and it is with far superior dogs than you will ever own if you continue to hold your dogs back ]



LMAO, what a load of dogs... Why did you ask the question then if you already knew the answer!!!! And as for some giving the same opinion, everyone did!! lol.


Where do you live? As for our dogs imferior pal, they run on some of the harshess ground in britain, no in fact, no some of it, but all of it.... Your the type who argues that it is april when it is october, tata...

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Whos spiderfly????



I cant get over "my laws" lack of knowledge after all those years of experience.... I dont know what your job is, but try to do it in the dark! It will seem alot harder, so differewnt, and take you longer! imagine it, a sparky in the day grafting away. Then it goes dark, puts a torch on, and wow, how different does evrything look.....dont tell me your answer, as i already know it "you can do your blindfolded!


What is the point of asking a question on here, then arguing with everyone who doesnt say what you want to hear. Do you bot think it strange how everybody has given the same answer....

you are a fountain of knowledge [not] if you done every thing in the dark from day one you would be 10 times more capable than some one that has only done it once or twice [WORK IT OUT FOR YOUR SELF] ,yes i do see some giving the same answer but not all ,which shows that not every one is still living in the dark age of [YOU MUST NOT DO THIS WITH YOUR DOG ,OR YOU MUST NOT DO THAT ] no wonder a lot of dogs dont make the grade ,being breed of inferior stock that has not been given the chance to do what comes naturally .no one is going to persuade you or any one else stuck in their ways ,if you and others had the b***s to try leting your dogs live a bit closer to nature instead of sliping it of a piece of string and holding it back[they are not coursing grey hounds but a working dog that work side by side with their owners ] as a pup then a lot of these dogs that are CRAP would not be about to be pased around from one person to another.[any one out there ever tried letting a pup do what comes natural and leting it work what it wants when it whants and learn by its mistakes to see if it ends up a usles cripple that cant catch a rabbit ].i am not telling you what you should do with your dogs i simply staited what i would do with a young dog ,[a tried and tested method ,do you think i would continue to do it if if was not benifishal to the dog , ]if you want to own inferior dogs that is your decission the best of luck to you.[i do do my job in the dark i have done for the last 34years and it is with far superior dogs than you will ever own if you continue to hold your dogs back ]



LMAO, what a load of dogs... Why did you ask the question then if you already knew the answer!!!! And as for some giving the same opinion, everyone did!! lol.


Where do you live? As for our dogs imferior pal, they run on some of the harshess ground in britain, no in fact, no some of it, but all of it.... Your the type who argues that it is april when it is october, tata...

you said it RUN :yes:
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OK, to be honest I am really interested in what MYLAW has got to say, but I am not to clear where he is coming from.............so I wonder if I can ask him a couple of questions.


What type of hunting would you describe yours as (ie, mooching, lamp, ferreter, daytime fast stuff)


What age would you generally start your pups


What type of training do you do with them (obidience wise)


What type of ground do you usually run or do you travel allover


This is a genuine post matey as I really am interested ;)


I will say that I wouldnt start pups young, but I would like to see if you have a valid point.........its just so far removed from the general rule of thumb that I find it fasinating :yes:

Edited by WILF
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OK, to be honest I am really interested in what MYLAW has got to say, but I am not to clear where he is coming from.............so I wonder if I can ask him a couple of questions.


What type of hunting would you describe yours as (ie, mooching, lamp, ferreter, daytime fast stuff)


What age would you generally start your pups


What type of training do you do with them (obidience wise)


What type of ground do you usually run or do you travel allover


This is a genuine post matey as I really am interested ;)

sorry willf ,once bitten twice shy ,so to speak ,it would bore you any way ,[at least i have not braged or put up pics to try and prove any thing ,i just get on with what i do .]sites ,you live and learn . Edited by MY LAW
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My law, on another thread you said you were not far from me and asked if i would like to see your dogs work, well i would like to see them work, i am intrested in your methods and i will also show you my dogs working so that you can judge for yourself if they are inferior to yours. We obviously use different methods and have different welfare standards but i would be intrested to see if this difference is obvious in their working capabilities. Perhaps we could arrange something via PM?

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Send me a PM if you prefer ;)
wilf there are a lot that know me in wales and know what i do and how long i have done it for , and some of them are on this site , and done quite a bit with me ,if you take the time and go back over my post ,i think you will find that i only get it in the neck from 1 person from wales and i dont know him ,if i was a part timer and knew feck all i can guarantee you that i would have been shouted down long ago .[i hope i have not spoken to soon ] :D like the saying goes [those that need to know, know ,and those that dont know ,wont know .]but one thing for sure i will be reading rather than writing in future.


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