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Big Surprise on new ground

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Hello to all i was out this morning on some new ground i have just got the other day i was told by the land owner that there was a lot of deer on the land and as far as he new they were all fallow and at the time he also said that now and again he he saw some deer that were a lot bigger than what he usually See's around.That really got my attention as the first thing came to mind was YES YOU GUESSED IT REDS.So any ways i headed of bright and early and got to the place about half an hour before light as i was not to sure of the lye of the land i waited for light before i headed in the land is a mixture of grass land small plantings and bog.I was tipping around not really knowing what to expect around each corner,as i glassed the first area i spotted 8 prickets around 150 yards to my right i sat for a while watching them a decided to take one so up with the gun a 6.5x55 and down with the deer i was very happy with the shot as it was through the neck and was'ent to far from the jeep i dealt with that and continued on.After a bit of waking i came to the top of a hill over looking a nice bit of a planting i sat back and glassed the area after a wee bit of a look i spotted the back end of a deer sticking out of the wood i watched him for a while waiting for him to emerge after about 5 or 10 min he turned to come out i couldn't believe what i was looking at it was a fine RED stag i got a wee bit excited as i had never shot one before he was about 250 or 300 yards away i started to stalk down to him about 10 min later i was confidant i could take the shot so up with the gun and bang down he went at that min i would say that i was the haapyest man in the world.I headed down to him a 14 pointer not bad for my first and it was then that work realy started with a little help from the farmers tractor.. :clapper: :clapper: :clapper: P.s i tried to put up the picture but it said that the file is larger than the available space if any one knows how i can get the pic's up please let me know thanks and happy hunting.....


Edited by paddy31
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some stag for your first that mate, well done you jammy git, lol go into "paint" and open new , ie click on your pic, then strech and scew, in the 2 boxs that say 1oo percent make it 50, should be small enough then.. hope this helps alittle, if not its a rough guide on how to do it



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Well done mate, hell of a big beast to drag out yourself eh, just as well for the farmer........... ;)

thanks lad if it wasent for the farmer i would have been fecked theres no way i could have moved it on my owen. wont be shooting one again unless i can get the jeep down to it or the farmers tractor................

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nice one!!!!


aye ...folks like me who are used to hunting roe!!!!....jist gralloch and throw in the roesack!! hehehehe


thats it with reds!!!!.....get buckfever or (stagfever hehehe ) pull the trigger...total elation!!! ........





feck.......how the b*gger do i get this out of here then?????????????????????????? :o


i had a mate who did that 2 miles from home......4hours to get the big beast home!!!! hehehehehehe



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Nice one man, congrats on the new brilliant permission, what part of the country are you in for a few reds?
I live in the midlands but have to head to the meath area for the reds its not to bad only about 3/4 of an hour from the house..
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Nice one man, congrats on the new brilliant permission, what part of the country are you in for a few reds?
I live in the midlands but have to head to the meath area for the reds its not to bad only about 3/4 of an hour from the house..



Thats the shot, we only have Fallow in my part of the country but theres the odd sika being seen and heard around! Would love to see some pictures, upload them onto photobook and post the link to them in this thread and we can see them?

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Nice stag Paddy i see from your aviator your Irish when did you move over from the emerald isle .

I my self was born in Britain but still consider my self an African in exile :o

I am Irish alright born and reared and living here all my life lad that deer was shot in Ireland..
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