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saturday morning stalk

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Well as ever loaded up the jeep and headed of after last weeks rain we were hungry to get a good stalk, Of we headed to the first permission which is being shot alot and the minute we spoted about 10 fallow slightly before dawn, but as it got bright we found ourselves trying to keep up with the fallow as the made their way to the cover of the forrestry before daybreak. So no joy there we headed off to the second bit of permission only to find the cattle all over the stalking area so we headed of to the final bit of permission. which is all peaks and valleys serious ground for stalking, of we headed and after a few minutes spoted a fallow buck which was 328 yards away we let him be as we knew he would be stinking from the rutting which believe it or not is just ending where we shoot, the going was tough and the weather like the first day of may heat wise, needless to say we were sweeting like pigs come 10am.

After coming up from a valley we spotted 2 does 2 calfs and a buck at a range of 412 yards, So we planned the stalk and started to make our way with the cover to our left to hide us as best we could we got to within 320 yards and 1 doe spotted us and made her way across to the others which then started to walk. So we waited until they started to graze again and got to within 265 yards when we where spotted again.

Off they went walking and i heard my mate call the ranges as they walked, i crawled to an angled part of ground as we we shooting upwards about a 30 degree angle, i dialed in the adjustment for 275 yards when my mate was just putting the binos on the ground, a quick track to catch were they were walking and with no time to spare BANG rang out across the hill, followed by a thump of flesh, OFF took the deer followed by my mate saying it had to be a quick shot as we normally call the shot and pick a target each and count down from 3,2,1, bang, but i had no time and we saw 4 fallow take off, which means i got it, after a hell of a bit of searching, we found the fallow calf laying in a small hole never knew what hit it, ranged to the shooting sticks which were still at the point of fire, 282 yards......... :gunsmilie: And i fooking well chuffed with the shot, as when we got it back the heart was blowen to pieces...........So a hell of a good stalk today...........i'm well happy.........sorry no pic, but my friend did take one which i have to get...... :victory:

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:icon_eek: i'd simply love too but it aint gonna happen due to time restraints and cash......but i'll keep it in mind for future reference......building a house for myself you see..................thanks for the offer though................. :notworthy:
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