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Feel sick!

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Whent out this morn with my 3/4 whippet 1/4 beddy 2 year old bitch, I let her of as usual , only walked about 200 yds when she jumped over a small clump of grass and gave out a slight yelp, at first I thought she had jumped on a thorn but when I looked at her foot she was pumping blood from the top of her leg (kind of in the arm pit area) I looked again and it was wide open I gripped the leg to try and stop the blood, picked her up and ran back to the car , I phoned the wife and got her to phone the vet, at the moment she is being stitched up and I have to go later to collect her, its amazing she never murmered whilst I was holding her and trying to drive the car! but the depth of the cut turned my stomach . The cause was a piece of barbed wire about 6 inches long which was in this clump of grass. Strange cos the nearest fence is about 1/4 mile away. looks like the season is over before it begins. cheers David.

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Iv been there mate i had a dog do it when it was a pup just starting about 5 year ago cut his leg to bits the blood was pumping thick 1 of the flaws of lamping and dog work aint it iv still got the dog now though hes 1 of me best dogs :thumbs:

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Dont get too down, a couple months ago my bitch jumped a log after a rabbit and drove a piece of wood three inches into the inside of her thigh. it was a huge hole you could see right into her leg :sick: i thought that was the season over and was gutted as its her first proper season. Got her to the emergency vets and they operated straight away (thank feck for insurance)


Anyway, within a week she seemed fine but kept her to the lead walks for three weeks as the vet said. As soon as i let her off she was away as quick as ever :D Shes now back to work with no ill affects and fit as you like!


She was very lucky though as the stick slid between two muscles and didnt damage the actual muscle tissue.


Hope she makes a speedy recovery, good luck :good:

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My boys 7month lurcher bitch had to be put down last saturday, took her over the park ,was running around playing when she let out screaming son got to her said her leg looked broken .took her to vet leg was broken in three places said they could amputate but would cost £3000. son told them to put her down .oh i forgot it was a small brick she hit on park.

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Got my little bitch back from the vets last night, she is all stitched up now, today she has been moving about the house and back garden slowly or she has been lay on the couch feeling sorry for herself , but at least it looks like she is on the mend thanks for all the replys and post I am very gratefull. Oh and as for the vet at least Dick Turpin wore a mask!..

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