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WINDGE, MOAN, GRUNT, SCREAM, and maybe the odd fart

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yep i got revenge on her. im still awake so i thought i would have my revenge as she sleeps! she's well out of it so i pulled er knickers down a bit and wedged 2 chocolate buttons between her arse cheeks.




skidders in the morning!



wish i,d thought of that one





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you do realise there wont be any sex for a little while,still funny though....unless mmm, this is not a habit you two have ,,,
none existant anyway!



Im afraid she wont be talking to you for a whole week, let us know the out come :clapper::clapper::clapper:
thats what i was wanting


Divorce court :clapper:

not married (yet)



:clapper: just told my old woman,only trouble is she quite liked the sound of it :D
she does normally


anyway she woke up this morning bright red! only let her know what ad done at about 7.30pm. about 9pm she asked if i wanted a brew and a chocolate rice crispy cake what she'd made. any way the brew had laxative sweetener in it and the cake thing was made with ex lax chocolate and when ad finished them her reply was "mine might of been chocolate but yours will be f**king real in the morning" now that s evil!

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