merle24 61 Posted November 14, 2008 Report Share Posted November 14, 2008 Here is a little description of one of the races. We head back to the wheel line country and each start to take a road. "Capps" calls and says he has one spotted. Its eating on a dead sheep, but in a bad spot to try to get a drop. "Jasshole" comes over on the motorcyle and we come up with a plan for him to circle wide around it and try to push it out to where one of us can get a drop. "Hayhound and I swing wide behind him while "Capps and Workman" go ahead to watch for it to come out in front. We are flying thru the middle of some wheel lines and the coyote breaks ahead of us. We get to a spot that looks good we drop the drivers side box, "Peep, Zorro and Mach" all race out but after about 200 yards we see the coyote is going to make a big ditch line with alot of cover. "Hayhound" pushes the baja hard and is flanking the dogs. We see the coyote push thru the cover and hook left. He wants to run in the cover but with the baja parellell to him he stays just outside it on the other side. The cover is about 4-5 feet high and we have no idea whats in front of us. The dogs on the passenger side box can see him and are screaming to be dropped. The first three dogs hit the ditch and cover and dont know where the coyote went. Some how "Peep" spots it and starts hooking to him. "Hayhound" starts hollering "hows it look, hows it look" well Im thinking he wants to know if he can drop the other box, so I look back at the dogs to be sure they still see the coyote and say "'go ahead" well he wanted to know how the ditch looked, and figures its ok to plunge in at top speed somehow. The next thing I know I go from looking at dogs behind me, to feeling the earth fall out from under me. We drop into the ditch and all I see is the bottom coming hard, I push back to brace myself for the crash but by some miracle the baja doesnt land on its nose and we are catapulted out the other side of the ditch! I see nothing but clouds for a second, then the horizon and THEN I feel the baja touch ground. "Hayhound" is still in the throttle, and turns toward the coyote. It has really gapped the dogs, but when it sees us on its side of the cover it breaks out into the open and "Peep" starts to cut the angle. After about 300 more yards she really starts to close on it. At one point it was looking like she wouldnt catch up, and "Capps and Workman" decided to send her some help. They came in from the top of the field, and as the coyote barreled past them with our dogs strung out behind, they dropped. They came in as a blur from my side but I was so focused on watching "Peep" try to make the catch I didnt see who all was on the ground. I remember "Mustache, Grey and Grace" swooping in. "Peep" takes a lunge at the coyote but it side steps her, then "Mustache" trys and the coyote stumbles, thats all "Grey" needs and he rolls the coyote hard. The rest the dogs arrive in a bunch. "Grey" has the coyote by the head, "Zorro" gets the throat, and "Grace" is in the chest. Its a REAL short fight, as with those 3 on a coyote its lights out right now! Take care. 1 MOTOCYCLE. 2 JEEPS 6 DOGS, (not to mention the guns you probably) had why dont you take a appatchi helecopter next time then you defo wont miss it. crazy yanks. Quote Link to post
hollands hope 1,024 Posted November 14, 2008 Report Share Posted November 14, 2008 Good read and exellent pictures ,especially the second and sixt picture, Welldone Quote Link to post
Dan Edwards 1,134 Posted November 14, 2008 Author Report Share Posted November 14, 2008 merle24 I am here to tell you that it can get a little crazy coyote hunting. HAHAHA! They are absolutely the toughest critter in the world to catch. They are so smart is the problem with em. Its very rare that you can ever see em without sort of kickin em out of their hiding places. You also have to remember how friggin big the country is that we hunt over here. On a typical day of coyote hunting for me here in Illinois, I may cover over 30 miles or better. Out where these boys live, 30 miles is nothing. They literally live in a very low populated area of nothing but high dessert and then mountains as far as the eye can see. Quote Link to post
hollands hope 1,024 Posted November 14, 2008 Report Share Posted November 14, 2008 Dan how long does it take before you decide a dog has made the grade or not Quote Link to post
number 1 lamper 0 Posted November 14, 2008 Report Share Posted November 14, 2008 These guys have some serious rockets in their pack. Dogs have speed and stamina and most importantly they can kill. The last part is just as important on coyote cause they are truly a test for a dog at the catch. nice dogs mate Quote Link to post
Bush Rummager 4,765 Posted November 14, 2008 Report Share Posted November 14, 2008 (edited) They literally live in a very low populated area of nothing but high dessert and then mountains as far as the eye can see. Sounds good to me , great photos Dan.... cheers for putting them up , what other game you got out there??? Edited November 14, 2008 by Bush Rummager Quote Link to post
samba 534 Posted November 14, 2008 Report Share Posted November 14, 2008 great pics and spot on dogs you have there Quote Link to post
stormrider8 59 Posted November 14, 2008 Report Share Posted November 14, 2008 Nice one lads. What sort of height and weight do they get to? they look a lot bigger than the fox we get here. They look about the size of our Roe deer!! Got any close ups of the dogs. They look crackin! Quote Link to post
UphillDoc 278 Posted November 14, 2008 Report Share Posted November 14, 2008 merle24-The vehicles are used to flush the coyotes in the open and to be able to have a ringside seat for the race/fight. We dont use guns when running the stags, hell I dont even carry one when Im bear and Mtn Lion hunting... Coyotes are hunted from both helicopters and planes here, and I know a couple folks that have used them to flush coyotes to the dogs...LOL We usually run 3 dogs to a side. I like to run 2 seasoned dogs and a pup. Many times there is more than one coyote and more dogs means better chance at catching more than one. Its not uncommen for a coyote to seperate one dog from the rest then gang up on it. They can hamstring a dog pretty bad when they outnumber them. Take care. Quote Link to post
shanehound 2 Posted November 14, 2008 Report Share Posted November 14, 2008 no what im saying is its good as over hear everyone has there tounge up the bullxers asses its real good too see some deerhound crosses... They have been bred just to catch yotes, and the deerhound is of the old type brought to our country originally 200yrs ago not the same as is seen today, more old wolfhound type... Plus from what I have read it looks like some were crossed with the original type Great Dane as well.. know what you mean dan some awfull looking deerhounds out there at the moment i blame kennel clubs and lack of hunting we are doing our best here to keep deerhounds working on all quarry no show blood and cull hard Quote Link to post
UphillDoc 278 Posted November 14, 2008 Report Share Posted November 14, 2008 (edited) Stormrider-Most the coyotes range between 20-40lbs. There are 40-60lb coyotes caught every year, but they are not as commen. The middle coyote in pic #6 was almost 50lbs. We also have wolves here that run 100-150+lbs...its illegal to run them though... Shanehound-There was a fella from WY that hunted deerhounds on coyote. Dont know if any were kennel club registered, but I have seen some of their offspring crossed on stag blood and they get it done! Many stags here show so much "deerhound" that few would argue the blood is heavy in them. Take care. Edited November 14, 2008 by UphillDoc Quote Link to post
loftmonkey 2 Posted November 15, 2008 Report Share Posted November 15, 2008 cracking dogs lads fascinating reading Quote Link to post
victor 10 Posted November 15, 2008 Report Share Posted November 15, 2008 cool stuff mate. keep it up. do you ever let all dogs out on 1 yote? Quote Link to post
loftmonkey 2 Posted November 15, 2008 Report Share Posted November 15, 2008 what does hotblood mean is that a breed Quote Link to post
Guest joe ox Posted November 15, 2008 Report Share Posted November 15, 2008 I like the quick release system your using on the truck. Quote Link to post
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