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Get a cheap collar and lead from any pet shop as the pup will outgrow it soon enough. The main thing is to ensure its light. With regards to heelwork, just get her used to the lead first and don't worry about heelwork, that can be done later. You can put little 4"boards across doorways but the dog isn't physically developed enough yet to endure the impact of landing from height. The wait can be done now prior to feeding but the stay is diiferent and should be trained later.

My dogs know that wait measn another command is to follow but that down means they are only released from this command when I return and its too much pressure for a young pup IMO.

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At 11 week old, a cheap coller & lead is best- they grow too quick anyway. Personally I've different collars on different dogs, a normal webbing collar on two dogs & 1/2 check on other- this one is a lot older than 11 weeks though. Dont advise using choke collars on anything.

Make training fun & not serious, the pups is still a baby, work on sit, by putting the food slightly above the head so they have to sit to reach it-you can gently push bum to floor. Once there you can repeat word 'stay' whilst giving them bit of treat. That way they associate the word with a treat. Dont use big treats or you'll end up with an effalump.

Get the dog to like been on it's lead before moving onto heel work- everything shoud be fun though, extra time on training now will benefit you in the long run.

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shes fine on lead already just want to no best way to get her to heal! been walkng her for a week, she just chewed her lead in half in the car so need a new 1! she does sit & down! she was 12 weeks yest!

cheers for the advice, appreciate it

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shes fine on lead already just want to no best way to get her to heal! been walkng her for a week, she just chewed her lead in half in the car so need a new 1! she does sit & down! she was 12 weeks yest!

cheers for the advice, appreciate it


Ive a pup about the same age. I normally walk facing the traffic so I make all my dogs walk on the left hand side right from the start just to stop them moving about, switching sides and sniffing the banks when out walking along the roads. Keep the lead short - hold it in the right hand and let it run thru the left as its easy to control the dog and keep it close in that way. Later on if the dog start to pull forward then a tap on the nose with a very light twig and a growl from you will put it back in line. I have an 11 old St Bernard cross so making sure he didnt pull me when on the lead was very important.



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