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Whats the weirdest thing you've found

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I saw this topic in another forum and wanted to bring it here :D


weirdest thing i've found was while helping my dad track a deer's blood trail - we had been walking through the woods and found where someone else had shot a deer - we followed it for a while until the trail split in half. :blink: ok? i went one way, he went the other... we figured maybe the hunter shot two deer at once because one had been behind the other?


anyway we also ran into a set of bear tracks so we left...


not very exciting no.. so i'm hoping you have some better ones??

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Guest ferret feller

foud a dead woman fishing in the river severn.... found a old 12 bore cocked and ready to go under a rotting log miles from anywhere and the but was pretty fecked and rotting away...... urm.... a few old unused 22. bullets.... a weird tooth thing...... badger skull...........tons of old bottles..........mobile phone (top of the range) :laugh: a ferret collor attached to a ferret......... a few purse nets..... porn magazies and dvds......matress buried under the ground....

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pretty common to find someones mary jane patch or a still.... in my county there have been huge auctions - hundreds of acres that had been confiscated by the law because of drugs - one farm just a few miles from me was shut down by the feds (on two different occasions owned by two different people) they were stuffing the cows full of meth and shipping them off.

no thats not finding weird things in the woods - but like you said, not something you want to find when you're all alone!

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When i was young, I wasnt hunting as such but i was in the army cadets and we were on exercise in the woods one night and we came across a load of witches dancing naked round a camp fire.

Another time i was ferreting on the edge of a church yard and we got laid up. Whilst digging into the slope which was outside the church boundry a skull rolled out of the earth and landed at my feet. Scared the frikkin s@@t outta me. Obviuosly one of the old graves from the time before the new fence was put in. After i retreived the ferret i poped it back and said sorry kinda. It was really old but it had better teeth than me lol

Another time i was out rabbiting on a hedgrow next to a freshly drilled field and i found a flint arrowhead. And when i was in scotland i was waalking along this river and i found a salmon rod propped in the bushes, There was no body obout so i kinda aquired it

Edited by thepriest
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me and the old man was out ferreting had to dig and found a brass tipped cannon shell from a spitfire,still live with the brass tipped ones being explosive,as the old man moved it it started fizzing so he chucked it in the pond.the old man has also found a crash site of a spitfire in the woods where he and his brother retrieved the wing guns,still got them i think.

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When i was young, I wasnt hunting as such but i was in the army cadets and we were on exercise in the woods one night and we came across a load of witches dancing naked round a camp fire.

Another time i was ferreting on the edge of a church yard and we got laid up. Whilst digging into the slope which was outside the church boundry a scull rolled out of the earth and landed at my feet. Scared the frikkin s@@t outta me. Obviuosly one of the old graves from the time before the new fence was put in. After i retreived the ferret i poped it back and said sorry kinda. It was really old but it had better teeth than me lol

Another time i was out rabbiting on a hedgrow next to a freshly drilled field and i found a flint arrowhead. And when i was in scotland i was waalking along this river and i found a salmon rod propped in the bushes, There was no body obout so i kinda aquired it


Thats my rod lol

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