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mate to be honest your not even old enough to use a air rifle let alone buy one... so anyone selling one i would advice you get parents concent,....

also you must not go on your own mate you neet to be with someone i believe over 21...


but anyway my AA s410 has got a little recoil but that's due to a different spring in it...

i would personally go for a PCP mate they are much better all round.

you would have to spend loads to get a good spring gun but to get a half descent PCP your budget is fine..

go for the aa s400 mate



What a load of old twaddle!!!


1st point, you say he isn't old enough to use an air rifle, then you correctly say he is, if accompanied by someone over 21, although it will have to be their rifle as he isn't allowed to own one.


2nd point, your s410 has a little recoil because it has a different spring in it??? :blink::blink: thought it was a PCP.


3rdly, you then tell the lad That a springer is out of his £300 budget, but he can get a half decent PCP. WRONG. Pcp's are the more expensive rifle generally.


I know you were just trying to help the fella, but i thought i better let you know it was wrong. ;)

urm how am i wrong, he is not old enough to buy an air rifle which is what he is trying to do, and also to get a good quality spring gun he would have to spend alot, which is what everyone else is always saying go for pcp. and yes pcps are generally more expensive but his budget is fine for a pcp. s200 a s400 a webley raider. you can pick these up now within 300 pound. so how am i wrong..

enough of the moaning..

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Jazz, no offence, but are you 100% lay obiding? i bet 99% of the air gunners on here were using air rifles on thier own before the correct age. I admit i did, and do. so step off your high horse mate as i dont think you are much older yourself. No offence to anyone intended

What people do in private is there business.


What is said on the forum is my business, and that of THL mods.


Jazz isn't correct with regard to the age limits on air rifles but encouraging people, or admitting, to break the law is not allowed in this section so please don't do it.


I can't make people obey the law, when buying/using air rifles but I can stop tales of dubious legality appearing on the forum.






Just don't.



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too settle all arguments here are the laws copied and pasted:


Persons Aged 14 to 17 years


In this age group you may not buy or hire an airgun but you can borrow one from a person over 17 years (for use when on private land). If you are under 17 years, your airgun and ammunition must be bought for you by someone over 17 and this should generally be your parents or guardians.


In this age group you can use an airgun on private property where you have a right to be, without supervision. With two exceptions you may not have an airgun in a public place. The exceptions are:

Using an airgun at a rifle range or in connection with a rifle club or shooting gallery.

It will become illegal for anyone to ./carry a loaded or unloaded airgun or imitation firearm in a public place without lawful authority or reasonable excuse.


So afterall it does look like my parents are able to buy one for me to use on private land without supervison.


Thanks for all the suggestions people i wil have a look around.

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most weirauchs are top guns iv'e owned a 77, 80 and the 90 however they can all be a bit weighty when fully kitted up ie scope, lamp if using of a night so if you are out and about for a few hours you need to take this into account because your arms will be knackered just checked the weight and it looks a bit lighter than some of the other weirauchs go and have a look at the gun if its in a shop get the feel of it,good luck anyway.



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mate to be honest your not even old enough to use a air rifle let alone buy one... so anyone selling one i would advice you get parents concent,....

also you must not go on your own mate you neet to be with someone i believe over 21...


but anyway my AA s410 has got a little recoil but that's due to a different spring in it...

i would personally go for a PCP mate they are much better all round.

you would have to spend loads to get a good spring gun but to get a half descent PCP your budget is fine..

go for the aa s400 mate



What a load of old twaddle!!!


1st point, you say he isn't old enough to use an air rifle, then you correctly say he is, if accompanied by someone over 21, although it will have to be their rifle as he isn't allowed to own one.


2nd point, your s410 has a little recoil because it has a different spring in it??? :blink::blink: thought it was a PCP.


3rdly, you then tell the lad That a springer is out of his £300 budget, but he can get a half decent PCP. WRONG. Pcp's are the more expensive rifle generally.


I know you were just trying to help the fella, but i thought i better let you know it was wrong. ;)

Im 13 i go shooting all the time with my mates and my own

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  • 2 weeks later...
Im 13 i go shooting all the time with my mates and my own
Under 14 years


You can


* use an air rifle under supervision on private premises with permission from the occupier - normally the owner or tenant. The person who supervises you must be at least 21 years old.


You cannot


* buy, hire or receive an air rifle or its ammunition as a gift, or shoot, without adult supervision.

Parents or guardians who buy an air rifle for use by someone under 14 must exercise control over it at all times, even in the home or garden.




A good idea is not to admit you're committing an offence, on an internet forum. You are not as anonymous as you think.

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  • 4 months later...
Weihrauch HW77 :D You can probably pick one up for under £200, which leaves £100 to buy anything else, like scope, bag, pellets...

if you buy airgunner or airgun world magazine they have a second hand part in the back ,you can sometimes pick up a good deal pcp or springer

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Heyy ive been lookinng around a few sites ect..and the gun that i have took most liking to is the


Weihrauch HW98.


Does anyone have one?

or just used one?


feedback would be great thanks.


I have a Weihrauch hw80 and a s410 and a bsa s10 and although the Air arms S410 in my eyes is a much better gun than the others i still love my hw80. I don't know what it is about it but it's a brilliant gun. Bit on the heavy side but a really good gun. I love it so much i just can't bring myself to sell it :D There was a guy on here selling a hw77 for £140 which i would love to have bought but just couldn't justify buying another gun lol. Anyway good luck with getting a gun and if i was you i'd go and try a few different ones. My bro uses a Air Arms Pro Sport Which is a really really nice spring gun but like say give a couple of different ones a try because what feels good for someone may not feel as good to you :thumbs:

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