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fellow shooters ESSEX


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Hello are there many people from essex near the Chelmsford/Southend sort of area on this forum. Ive been shooting for two years but have yet to come across someone who will let me shoot on their land. Ive approached smartly dressed spoken well manored explained myself and had proof of insurance along with other documents. I do feel its an age thing. Ive just turned 20 and am asking fellow elder air gunners with some land if they would be willing to let me come out with them. If it suits i have no need to bring my gun however that would be very nice. Any Advice help or offers would be gratefully recieved.


They always seem to doubt my lack of responsibility which to be honest is highly ageist. Although i see where they are coming from it being their land and so on. Maybe i should next time qualify my high level of responsibility and mature attitude by pointing out that im actually a qualified private pilot and have been for 3 years now. before i could drive a car? do you think this may help persuade a farmer/land owner to appreciate that i am responsible hoenst and trustworthy. When i say to them that i will respect their land/animals and property maybe they will trust me?


Any advice would be great thanks!



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Yes tom, as Hughesey says, play your joker card (Private Pilot's Licence) and this may well help YOU to set the scene with a landowner.


It will illustrate to them that you have the following qualities: A: Persevearance (you don't get a PPL by giving up the game), B: Responsibility (to get a PPL, you HAVE to prove responsibility to the CAA through your exams, intructors and actions) C: Awareness (a very important factor for anyone doing anything), and D: Accountablity - another factor to be thought of as important is that you can be accountable for your behaviour and actions. :)


I think this could help you out a fair bit with any landowner, in as far as it should show them the calibre of person you are now, and are striving to become in the future. ;)


Also, check out my signature for the link to some bits that may also prove to be very useful to you in your search for land to gain permission to shoot over. :thumbs:







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  • 3 months later...

Well an update! Since the last message my son has been born and i havent been able to get out much! he is now 6 months old ish well nearly and i now get some free time do use on my hobbies. I am still seeking somewhere to shoot vermin. I have approached one retired farmer in billericay essex and he allows me to shoot on his land however there is no quarry available there. So im a bit stuck! im off to oxfordshire in April to do a commercial pilots course and would really love to use the S200 a little before i go! It would be great if someone would take me along!


kindest regards



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