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Tips on feeding wild birds

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I love watching the wild birds in my garden. I havent got a bird table as such but im always throwing old bread and the like out for them. Once winter sets in proper the poor little blighters dont have a lot of luck finding food. It leaves a warming glowey feeling inside when you see them feasting on bread crumbs and animal fat and rotten fruit. Dont give them nothing to salty.

I must be getting soft in my old age, Well until the starlings turn up of course LOL LOL

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awww guys.... blue tits! they breed all summer in the gardens then strip out all the near too copses and the likes, then nip home back for tea..in your garden..


i've witnesed a blue tit lack of numbers and the local habit thrived into a wild life garden... after the tit's were back up to speed it all disapeared.. i swear the grey squirrels were under preseure lol...joke..

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depending on what space you have you could always plant stuff that will feed birds,on the farm the boss is very into conservation and has planted alot of wild seed bearing plants one of the main ones being sunflowers.also alot of weeds that bear seeds are good.and ash keys are plentiful this time of year .

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Guest w.m.avian

niger lasts a long time all wild finches love it


black sun flower seed ther good to


and british bird seed


these are all cheap in bulk sacks and last a good time


then all the usual nuts berrys fruit ect helps them even meal worms breed your own and its free food for them

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Guest w.m.avian
go to your local animal feeds mill and they should have 25kg bags of whole wheat for about a fiver the birds will eat it as ive fed it to the birds in my garden



wish i could get wheat for a fiver here

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