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coyote dogs

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I aint sayin I have had a bunch of single handed dogs but I have taken some yotes with dogs. One of the mods asked me to put up some pics. I dont know if I have put any of these up here before but here goes. I will give a little short story behind the pics if I can.

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That first pic was of Tuck and Babe killing one. That coyote weighed 29 #'s I believe. I aint for sure but I seem to recall that weight or at least real close, might have been 30 but dont really remember. I just know it was a little below average but not much.

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I had an older Walker dog in on this coyote for just a short minute but pulled him off to see if the two young dogs could finish him. I remember the lurcher type dog caught it first but then was kind of gettin his ass whipped or at least takin some stick like yall say but he would stay, trust me.

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This is just a pic I took on a Sunday night I believe over at the fur buyers place. It was just my catch from that weekend. I think I took four on Saturday and two on Sunday but I honestly just dont remember. I just know I was happy to catch 6 in one weekend. My pooches were extremely wore out and cold and wet. It was about 10 degrees during the day on this weekend and the ground was solid frozen snow and ice and it was real harsh conditions and I was proud as could be of my pooches. They did well under tough situations all weekend.

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  moter poacher said:
  Dan Edwards said:
Here is a short video we took of these two dogs killing a coyote. I hope it dont offend nobody. Also, I curse like a drunken Marine, which I am so please if it will bother any kids dont let em watch the video.



just like 2 doubled dogs on a good foxlol


Right on brother. I agree, the same exact thing. HAHAHA!


I do not usually hunt pure dogs that are sight type dogs that can catch and kill on their own. Reason being is that I usually have to get these coyotes trailed up for a bit so the dogs can then lay eyes on them and catch em. Got quite the mixed pack at times.

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