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Documentary - BBC - Pedigree Dogs Exposed

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everything gonewild!!!!




they have found the gunpowder my friends!!!!

uuppsss sorry that, it was the chinese that found gun powder!!!



this ones found gold in the dog's!!!!!

thus anyone found gold in your dog's?


fracking crufts judge Mr. Hanan, ths show dog's are the correct ones, blá blá.

that german sheperd would sit rather guard anything!!!!

There's good breeders and bad breeders, like in everything.

but these examples are good enough.


sorry, only to share.


best regards,


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Some of the comments on that program were ridiculous. Like the woman with the Ridgebacks saying she'd put a ridgeless dog to sleep so that it wouldn't fall into the hands of dog fighters! Then when she's questioned about inbreeding and the science based fact of how it can cause big problems for dogs she turns round and says "no no, it's not as black and white as that". What a hypocrite, how black and white is her comments when she says that her Ridgeless dogs would go to dog fighters.


I know the RSPCA are fine ones to talk, but even they have withdrew from Crufts after that program was aired (as if they didn't know before hand), and apparently sponsors are stepping away from them as well.


I hope the whole thing falls on its arse.

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i never saw this when it was on tv, cheers for the link


id like to give that bloke a smack in the chops, silly twat. bredd standard my arse. f*****g disgusting. Id have taken that boxer out in the yard and shot the poor bloody thing!!!!

Edited by OldNog
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and the chairman of KC is a border terrier breeder!!! he knows about terrier skills he said.


ridge's without ridge must be culled. fracking people.


yes attack fell they are hipocrit and cinical that only see pounds.


i to initiate in shows but when i was growing up i saw the big deifference, good workers produce good workers not beautiful ones but workers. And at my side i always prefer a work type than a show type.


but this documentary is quite controversial, they believe they are right!!!

and they talked about dogfighting people, they cull a dog that as a spot on the wrong side. and a healthier one too.


it's ridiculous some answers that are given by the KC chairman and vet.


we have the same problem here in Portugal, our CPC (equivalent to KC, but younger) is controlled by a lady that is a "Iron Lady".

only for funds and money!!!


best regards


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yes oldnog, me to.

poor boxer, better in dog heaven!

lots of pills in the morning, lots of pills at evening.


diseases, attacks, genetic and hereditary problems...


and all from not working dog's!!!!


in working dog's,with hard inbreeding or linebreeding we don't see that % of problems.

we have sound and anatomic dog's not the best or beautiful dog's but worker ones.


mutants dog breeds but the best pekinese best dog 2003 at crufts.


you have to see it until the end...

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the more i watch this the more im getting angry, making my blood boil!!!


the part about the ridgebacks is the most illogical pile of shite iv ever heard!


I agree with what Attack Fell Terrier says aswell :thumbs:


If people wanted to see top conditioned dogs then they should be looking at the workers, not for the asthetics of them, but for the looks that only a worker has and doing what all dogs were meant to do!

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ive had a anti call my terriers murdering mutts and they then told me i should get a pedigree dog.....pay an extra £700 for a peice of fecking papaer i dont think so


Yeah a piece of paper and a dog that is probably riddled with arthritis and epilepsy.




As far as them calling your dogs murdering mutts, all they see is this sort of thing mate -




Never poultry ripped to shreds or other damage they can cause.

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