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as far as i understand it can be passed on from either species

Pretty sure you are right Kay . Think ferrets are used for research and preparation of the distemper serum.


Years ago I bought some hens from a smallholding and was very taken by lovely ,quiet (in hind-sight ,too quiet ) lurcher on the site.


You guessed it .A week or so later my old line- hob came down almost overnight with the classic symptoms ---head full of catarrh,rasping breathing and general miserableness . Yep Distemper.

Luckily he had a separate cage and I always fed him last so the disease had'nt been passed to my jills.



I'm almost certain that I brought the disease in after fussing the quiet lurcher at the smallholding.

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as far as i understand it can be passed on from either species

Pretty sure you are right Kay . Think ferrets are used for research and preparation of the distemper serum.


Years ago I bought some hens from a smallholding and was very taken by lovely ,quiet (in hind-sight ,too quiet ) lurcher on the site.


You guessed it .A week or so later my old line- hob came down almost overnight with the classic symptoms ---head full of catarrh,rasping breathing and general miserableness . Yep Distemper.

Luckily he had a separate cage and I always fed him last so the disease had'nt been passed to my jills.



I'm almost certain that I brought the disease in after fussing the quiet lurcher at the smallholding.


I have to admit i dont know of anyone personally who has lost a ferret to distemper but i believe its a horrible way to die , infact you dont hear of it much now, not round here anyway, parvo yes but not distemper

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I think it can. I had a litter of pups, they were kept with the dam in the garage which is next to the chimney brest and the ferrets are kept in there too, the whole litter of kits bar 3 died of distempaer + 1 adult gill (not the mother if the kits that died), i kept vigil on the pups! all ok not even a sign of it, although the dam did get a touch of the runs but that was it, i think i was a bit lucky although vaccination is the key i think, immunity is passed on from dam through her milk

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I think it can. I had a litter of pups, they were kept with the dam in the garage which is next to the chimney brest and the ferrets are kept in there too, the whole litter of kits bar 3 died of distempaer + 1 adult gill (not the mother if the kits that died), i kept vigil on the pups! all ok not even a sign of it, although the dam did get a touch of the runs but that was it, i think i was a bit lucky although vaccination is the key i think, immunity is passed on from dam through her milk


In the confined building the diseased droplets of breath would would spread easily . My grandad apparently nursed several dogs through distemper. He reckoned all you could do was treat the symptoms ,keep the dog warm,drinking a honey and warm water electrolite and keep its airways clear . Not all made it and if they did they doubled in value as any dog that had survived and therefore aquired immunity was sought- after in the days before innoculation was common.

Edited by comanche
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