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If you want to do action shots the best camera for the job is a digital SLR type. Some of the newer compacts are quite fast though and have excellent zoom range, however the good ones are very close to the price of something like the new Canon EOS 1000D plus they have their limitations...

Depends on your budget and how seriously you want to take your photography. :)

I use Canon 20D and 40D. Can't fault 'em although the 40D just has the edge when it comes to high speed focusing.

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muttle just been looking at your site

some of the B/W pics are brilliant...the havoc one is mint

is it photoshopped or was that how you took it...hat off to you mate...got some talent there mate

Q:did you use the nikon 40d only seen them for £250 in argos and was wondering if thats the one you use,and am very tempted to get one if thats the results after (a lot) of practice



Edited by badoosh
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muttle just been looking at your site

some of the B/W pics are brilliant...the havoc one is mint

is it photoshopped or was that how you took it...hat off to you mate...got some talent there mate

Q:did you use the nikon 40d only seen them for £250 in argos and was wondering if thats the one you use,and am very tempted to get one if thats the results after (a lot) of practice




Thank you :) must admit the Havoc pic, or should i say 2 pics because the moon was taken at a different time, has been horribly mangled in Photoshop...


I use a Canon 40D, but I've not heard anything really bad about the Nikon range. Lots of DSLRs around now for much the same price. Suggest you check them all out at local camera shop and get up their nose by trying them all! :whistling:

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Been using the Olympus E range (DSLR) for the last couple of years this system works with a fours thirds lense set up, basically giving you twice as much lense length as a 35mm standard lense. So say my 50mm x 200mm Sigma lense when fitted to the Oly system will actully double up and become a 100mm x 400mm lense.

In my opinion this is worth its weight in gold as giving you a lot more focal range and also saving a hell of a lot of money on big lenses. Olys are producing some big lenses to go with this set-up but the costs are very high. Sigma lenses are worth a look at and a lot cheaper.


The camera functions seem to cover all i require, flying birds macro etc etc, could be worth a look



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I have one that does most things but i still produce crap piccies, its understanding what the camera does , i suppose a cheapo camera in the right hands produces good pictures



kay you can improve a few with photoshop or something similar, but, to be honest there is a limit, and thats the camera pic you start with.


have you tried a tri pod.. or use the timer and put the camera on somethng solid just to see if your wobbling.. or if your pushing the button and thats wobblin stuff...(try puttin your thumb directly under the button or if it'll fit make sure under the button is firmly in the heal of your hand...)

from what i read on your camera (i may be rong lol) it just turns the ISO up for the anti shake/fast shots... higher the ISO the more grain on the picture..

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I have one that does most things but i still produce crap piccies, its understanding what the camera does , i suppose a cheapo camera in the right hands produces good pictures


It is possible to get action shots with a non DSLR camera but it isnt as easy.


The more expensive DSLR's will help you to get better pictures in bad lighting conditions, but you have to get beyond the point and click to do that and move away from the automatic settings.


I currently have a Nikon D50, which Ive had for a few years now and its served its purpose well, but it only has 6 megapixels which isnt a lot in this day and age, and action pictures taken in low light (which I do a lot of) often turn out very grainy at higher ISO levels. I'm hopefully getting a new one soon and am looking probably at another Nikon.


If you do decide to go for a Nikon D40, which do seem very inexpensive, its worth remembering that the lenses don't seem to be compatible with other cameras in the Nikon range - something to do with the camera motors.

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If you do decide to go for a Nikon D40, which do seem very inexpensive, its worth remembering that the lenses don't seem to be compatible with other cameras in the Nikon range - something to do with the camera motors.


The D40 is indeed a good camera for the money, (oh what a thing for a Canon owner to say... :icon_eek: ). As far as I know most new Nikon lenses will fit, and work with, the D40. The other Nikon cameras have a motor on the camera body as well, but the D40 relies solely on the AF motor built into the lens. The new lenses have motors in them so should be ok, it's only if you have older lenses without AF motors, but even then you could still use them in manual mode. Still something to consider though if you want to buy secondhand lenses.

There is still a wide range available though ...D40 fit lenses

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Yip Nikon D40 is a good camera, but it does have issues around what lense is compatible with it..there are some great deals on it too, but it has been superceeded by some great others, the D80 which will take all lenses for example, and then the massive jump to the D200, one hell of a camera. Another camera range that isnt too well publised, but which produce some excellent results is the Fuji S range, I have an old S2 pro, I think they are up to the S5 pro now, 12 million mega pixels,,I keep this camera as a standby, as my Nikon lenses interchange with the Fuji body, and I have had some good pictures with it..The older ones gobble up batteries though, compared to what I use now, which ceases to amaze me on batery life.

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