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I think this day should be on the 11 of 11 not at the convenience of government or commerce.and i do think that we should never forget.


Rememberence Sunday is linked with church services so its kinda inextricably linked with some sort of compromise about dates but The 11/11/11 one minutes silence can be observed wherever you are. So what if the shop you are queuing in does't shut it's tills at 11 o'clock on the 11th? Why not simply remind them with a timely tap on the watch and a hush sign. If that fails just stand still and block the queue.You won't be alone.



a good reminder for all



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When i was a nipper i used to sit with my dad and watch the serive on the telly every year,i'd be asking him about his stories from his time during the war.Ever year i remember why they died for us and allways say thank you for their sacrifice.My father died yesterday,a fireman all his life and to me as much a hero as those that fell in the wars happening and wars gone by.They may be gone and strangers to most but thank you all and never forgotten what you gave for us.

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When i was a nipper i used to sit with my dad and watch the serive on the telly every year,i'd be asking him about his stories from his time during the war.Ever year i remember why they died for us and allways say thank you for their sacrifice.My father died yesterday,a fireman all his life and to me as much a hero as those that fell in the wars happening and wars gone by.They may be gone and strangers to most but thank you all and never forgotten what you gave for us.


Im sorry to hear about your dad mate.

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It still amazes me how many people dont take the time to buy a poppy this time of year. Every shop has a veteran outside almost. It seems to me most people are so tied up in their own little worlds that they have not got the time to spare a moment and remember all the lost in the wars so they can be free. Whether it be ww1 ww2 to the present day.

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the problem seems to me that surely we should remember them all the time,

and not just when we are asked to buy a poppy.

surely if it was a member of our direct family we'd think about them all the time

we only have to read some of the threads to see our many of us remember dogs that we've owned

and lost all the time



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We went to a lovely service this morning. It was lovely to see so many people there remembering our fallen heroes.


Me too - it was humbling talking to the old boys as it always is - they like to see a Serviceman in uniform so I helped make their day. I lost count of the times I had to explain my medals to the interested youngsters too. A great morning - the weather held off until this afternoon which made it even better.



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I was sat next to an old boy during the service, his row of medals was worn quite rightly with pride. Shame that in another ten years there will be very few heroes left to speak too. Its a tradition we must continue to honour.

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Guest blackntan
We went to a lovely service this morning. It was lovely to see so many people there remembering our fallen heroes.


Me too - it was humbling talking to the old boys as it always is - they like to see a Serviceman in uniform so I helped make their day. I lost count of the times I had to explain my medals to the interested youngsters too. A great morning - the weather held off until this afternoon which made it even better.



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We went to a lovely service this morning. It was lovely to see so many people there remembering our fallen heroes.


Me too - it was humbling talking to the old boys as it always is - they like to see a Serviceman in uniform so I helped make their day. I lost count of the times I had to explain my medals to the interested youngsters too. A great morning - the weather held off until this afternoon which made it even better.




Tiegan was talking to Serviceman this morning about his medals, I didn't hear the conversation as her and my mum were standing away from me as we arrived seperately but I was proud of her for taking the morning seriously rather than messing about as a few kids were.

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