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How much excercise at this stage? Eight months.

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Hi folks. My pups eight months now and has caught his first bunny. I don't want to run him on too much game yet as I don't want him accelerating too hard and turning too hard. I'll take him out on the lamp every two weeks or so for maybe three-four runs and then home so as not to overdo things.

He seams to not have grown upwards for about a month, he's just under 27tts, and has started to fill out. Have read that some of you guys let the dogs run behind a bike to get then fit. I took mine out for about 1.5 miles this afternoon and he loved it.


Is this too much for a young dog? :hmm:


He just went at a good gently gallop, about 8-12mph.


Will this do his lungs any damage at this age? :hmm:


I'm keen to get him fully fit and ready to go at 12-14 months so is the the correct type of excercise at this stage?

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Hi folks. My pups eight months now and has caught his first bunny. I don't want to run him on too much game yet as I don't want him accelerating too hard and turning too hard. I'll take him out on the lamp every two weeks or so for maybe three-four runs and then home so as not to overdo things.

He seams to not have grown upwards for about a month, he's just under 27tts, and has started to fill out. Have read that some of you guys let the dogs run behind a bike to get then fit. I took mine out for about 1.5 miles this afternoon and he loved it.


Is this too much for a young dog? :hmm:


He just went at a good gently gallop, about 8-12mph.


Will this do his lungs any damage at this age? :hmm:


I'm keen to get him fully fit and ready to go at 12-14 months so is the the correct type of excercise at this stage?



i think he is to young to take on the bike wait till as least 12 - 18 months at the minute i would just road walk him to keep him fit

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Hi folks. My pups eight months now and has caught his first bunny. I don't want to run him on too much game yet as I don't want him accelerating too hard and turning too hard. I'll take him out on the lamp every two weeks or so for maybe three-four runs and then home so as not to overdo things.

He seams to not have grown upwards for about a month, he's just under 27tts, and has started to fill out. Have read that some of you guys let the dogs run behind a bike to get then fit. I took mine out for about 1.5 miles this afternoon and he loved it.


Is this too much for a young dog? :hmm:


He just went at a good gently gallop, about 8-12mph.


Will this do his lungs any damage at this age? :hmm:


I'm keen to get him fully fit and ready to go at 12-14 months so is the the correct type of excercise at this stage?


Don't recommend it, if still developing , muscle will build up before bones finished growing, gentle exercise for large dogs

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