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I have two saluki x's both excellent dogs can run for 4 or 5 mins a course with ease. I wouldnt hve any dog withotu saluki init as i do alot of lamping and the rest and need a dog ith alt of stamina and can take abit of stik. This is one of my salukis.





Thats a strange one, because when i go lamping i leave my saluki at home.... As once the course has finished and missed, she will carry on hunting up, like a lot of you have said, ruins everything around... I prefare to take my colliex lamping...

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Interesting comment runforyourlife, Has anyone else found their saluki difficult with regards to hunting on and unwillingness to return?



Hunting on at night, dangergirlll..... They are known as 3 fields away saluki.... A good number of them hunt on in the day as well, luckily i give my the right training, and in day light hours she returns...
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Interesting comment runforyourlife, Has anyone else found their saluki difficult with regards to hunting on and unwillingness to return?



Hunting on at night, dangergirlll..... They are known as 3 fields away saluki.... A good number of them hunt on in the day as well, luckily i give my the right training, and in day light hours she returns...

my saluki x won't hunt up as in look for new prey but will course the original prey long after it should have "given up" and the lamp is off. a bad point or good one? once,pre ban we had to look for this dog afterb a course and found him a fair way away. stood with the roe he had pulled!he also has a habit of coming back with bunnies that we thought he'd missed and turned lamp off for him to return...

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Hi guys and gals, just wanting pics of pure and x breed salukis.


How do you find them as a breed?


Are they easy to train, loyal ect?


Do you prefer a pure saluki or saluki x?


Your opinions appreciated.


Cheers DG

hi on my 2nd one with other crosses in between so have come full circle to the breed like all breeds you only get out what you put in mine are crossed with greyhound stay all day good feet but are abit thick at times so if you have a short fuse there not the breed for you the new ones 9 month just started her on rabbits and walking out with other dogs she,s very timed but with time i cant see it been to bad p.s did i say runs for bloody fun :clapper:

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I have two saluki x's both excellent dogs can run for 4 or 5 mins a course with ease. I wouldnt hve any dog withotu saluki init as i do alot of lamping and the rest and need a dog ith alt of stamina and can take abit of stik. This is one of my salukis.





Thats a strange one, because when i go lamping i leave my saluki at home.... As once the course has finished and missed, she will carry on hunting up, like a lot of you have said, ruins everything around... I prefare to take my colliex lamping...

Well that all depends how the have bin trained after a course mine will come back if missed with no problem

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I have two saluki x's both excellent dogs can run for 4 or 5 mins a course with ease. I wouldnt hve any dog withotu saluki init as i do alot of lamping and the rest and need a dog ith alt of stamina and can take abit of stik. This is one of my salukis.





Thats a strange one, because when i go lamping i leave my saluki at home.... As once the course has finished and missed, she will carry on hunting up, like a lot of you have said, ruins everything around... I prefare to take my colliex lamping...

Well that all depends how the have bin trained after a course mine will come back if missed with no problem

Trained, my dogs work everyday,lol and i mean everyday. Catching up to 40 rabbits a day but it doesnt mean it comes back in the lamp, even after having exstensive traininig,. It has nothing to do with it. Salukis are head strong, and once it is in its mind, thats that,,,, your a lucky one...

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hi there i have a saluki x greyhound he is 9 yrs old now.he was head strong in his early days although had no problems with him fetching rabbits back from the very first one .he also has endless stamina and watched him on many occassions when he was a bit younger run hares and fox into the ground take a few breaths and be ok again.i can only recommend that you get one of these kind of dogs :D

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Guest hunterpoppy

this is our lasses saluki and my saluki x


My saluki x is very loyal walk to my heel very game an fairly easy to train all in all i carnt fault her.



Our lasses pure saluki, even though she is only 6 months old, is also very loyal. She comes back when called and was easy to train, she is very obedient. The only thing is that if she sees something she goes for it and won't come straight away when called but she never goes far and always comes back eventually

Edited by hunterpoppy
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Mine walk to heel, come when called, retrieve to within yards of me for the most part, hunt up day and night and do not hunt up when lamping they know the difference.


I have two saluki x's both excellent dogs can run for 4 or 5 mins a course with ease. I wouldnt hve any dog withotu saluki init as i do alot of lamping and the rest and need a dog ith alt of stamina and can take abit of stik. This is one of my salukis.





Thats a strange one, because when i go lamping i leave my saluki at home.... As once the course has finished and missed, she will carry on hunting up, like a lot of you have said, ruins everything around... I prefare to take my colliex lamping...


I do the opposite and leave the CollieX taking the Saluki, Our collie is mentally unreliable compred to the level headed Saluki's. This is one of the things I like about the Saluki you get a no nonsense hunting dog.




this is our lasses saluki and my saluki x


My saluki x is very loyal walk to my heel very game an fairly easy to train all in all i carnt fault her.



Our lasses pure saluki, even though she is only 6 months old, is also very loyal. She comes back when called and was easy to train, she is very obedient. The only thing is that if she sees something she goes for it and won't come straight away when called but she never goes far and always comes back eventually


She looks very like her father "Fair Boy" in that pics of her lying down

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this is our lasses saluki and my saluki x


My saluki x is very loyal walk to my heel very game an fairly easy to train all in all i carnt fault her.



Our lasses pure saluki, even though she is only 6 months old, is also very loyal. She comes back when called and was easy to train, she is very obedient. The only thing is that if she sees something she goes for it and won't come straight away when called but she never goes far and always comes back eventually

real dogs mate..in top nik too

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I prefer pures myself, having run both pures and crosses as I find them more robust and this suit my type of hunting.


My experiences are; stamina out this world they are in a class of there own, speed more adequate and it's controlled speed, prey drive and tenacity is immense the downside is if you don't hunt them enough they will be difficult dogs, aggression is very high in my Saluki's they are highly dominant and protective, they will dominate any dog (or person around our home or truck) that comes too close, starting them hunting mine have been well into the swing of things from 5mths old and could not be held back from it.


I'll not bother to put loads of photos up here are my Flick-r pics, loads on there to see.


Here are my You Tube videos


I also run a Saluki forum, but some reason my banner below does not work on here :thumbdown: so you will just have to google it. :whistling:

great pics meerihunter like the look of kazakhstan bet that was some experience, did you get to see any dogs work out there..


Kazakhstan was wonderful, I didn't get go hunting as I was there in early september and it was not yet the hunting season but I did see some footage of hunting with Tazi, Taigan and Golden Eagle.


Here are some clips from a guy I met out there.

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