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Made my mind up I need some good Bino's and got it narrowed down to two models 'Hawk Frontier ED Binoculars' or some'Vortex Vipers' both 8x42 and in my price bracket. Has anyone used them, owned them even had a look through them at dusk?


Cheers smudge

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Guest JohnGalway

What's your budget and what're you going to be using them for?


I bought a pair of Opticron Imagic BGA SE 8x42's, never looked through them, went on faith of a recomendation elsewhere, they're fantastic. I am sure they're not Leicas or Swarovskis but they're damn good to my eyes.


Dusk and other low light conditions will need good glass :yes:

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Guest JohnGalway

If you searched, you could probably find a pair of opticrons for £300, probably less infact, I think I paid 329 for mine and I (as you do) saw them cheaper elsewhere after I pressed the buy button...


But take advice from others on here, I wouldn't be the most knowledgeable on bins.

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If you searched, you could probably find a pair of opticrons for £300, probably less infact, I think I paid 329 for mine and I (as you do) saw them cheaper elsewhere after I pressed the buy button...


But take advice from others on here, I wouldn't be the most knowledgeable on bins.


Go on that auction site and look for a seconhand Carl Zeiss Jena 8x30 you will not go wrong with these I have these and they are brilliant.

Should get them for around £60.00 - £80.00

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If you searched, you could probably find a pair of opticrons for £300, probably less infact, I think I paid 329 for mine and I (as you do) saw them cheaper elsewhere after I pressed the buy button...


But take advice from others on here, I wouldn't be the most knowledgeable on bins.


Go on that auction site and look for a seconhand Carl Zeiss Jena 8x30 you will not go wrong with these I have these and they are brilliant.

Should get them for around £60.00 - £80.00


early in my pro stalker carrear i had 3 pairs of zeiss jena 8x30 great wee glass about 25 quid including case ?

dont know if you can get them now? :icon_eek:

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