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my bitches first bunny

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just been out walkin my beddy whippett bitch nothin out of the ordinary walked to the end of this field towards a little river and saw 2 bunnies in the brambleon the other side,


she saw them an was straight over the little river one disapeared but one was stuk in the bramble, it got free as she got over the river and made a break for some more cover but kym was [bANNED TEXT] up its ar*e!


she struk and grabbed it to the screams of me and a mate she was a little unsure at first but trhen loved the feel of it!


im over the moon this has beeb long awaited and she deserved it!

hopin to get her out tonight maybe for some more or even somethin a lil bigger????




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thanks fellas am over the moon especially because she went thru a phase of not striking,


took her out last nite with doggin lad for some bigger stuff but just ended up runnin rabbits

she did quite well and was strikin like a demon!!!!


even had an excellent run with her and ged on this realy big rabbit ;) they did well an we wer surprised when they didnt catch the fu**er

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