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Mooch about today

Guest Geordie

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Guest Geordie

I was supposed to be going out last night but the ground was a bit hard so it was cancelled :(

Anyway i dragged my lazy arse out of bed at about 10am and decided to take the mutts out.


Seeing as how ive just got some transport i decided to look a bit further afield than i normally do,not far,just a bit out of my normal area.


We took the old railway line up towards Beamish museum,its used by a lot of cyclists and dog walkers,but as i say we were only out for a mooch about.


Had a nice short chat with a lady who had a beddy x similar to mine,til her mates yorkie dediced it wanted some of my lurchers for its dinner :haha:


As we went further up the old railway line,i let the dogs off their slips to mooch about. The pup basically just following the beddy x doing what she done and sniffing what she sniffed.


As we passed this field there were a few rabbits running into the hedgerows and into their holes,then 'The wizza' spots a couple of hares right at the bottom of this field,about 300 yards away or so.


Off she goes closely followed by the pup,the hares ran into some cover at the edge of the field. As they move into the cover looking for the hares,both hares shoot out the other side.The pup spots one of them and gives chase,'The wizza' is still in the cover hunting up on the scent (useless little fecker :rolleyes: )


Anyway the hare gave the pup a good run out,he finally lost it in a copse of trees.


But heres the point to this little story :p


One whistle and the pup looks in my direction,and races back to me,good lad :D That is the only positive and rewarding thing,for me,that happned on that mooch out. But it was worth the walk out,just to let the pup have his first chase on something,and then have him return after my one whistle calling him back.


Thats part of what having the dogs is all about to me,the little achievements,and seeing the young dogs/pups coming on.


So no catches and no big bags,and not even anything spectacular happening really,but all in all a nice day out :D


Oh and what about 'The wizza' i hear some of you asking???????


Well recall has never been her strongest point,she caught us up about a quarter of a mile away :icon_redface: but she is ok as a ferretting dog or marking recently used fox runs for snaring :rolleyes:


anyone wanna buy a beddy x ????? :p

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anyone wanna buy a beddy x ????? :p



Highs and lows, allways the same with dogs.

Took the gang out for a little wander the other night, my 2 jrts and beddy x, having a little shine about, as you do.

The 2 jacks love the exercise and the young beddy gets to have a look as well.

So far she has been coming on great, recalls, sit stays (even in company of other dogs), blind stays, retreiveing, following a beam of light to the end, watching the beam, anyway Im happy so far so good.

The other night, it just all went out the window, the lads give chase to a bunny and she joins in, normally not a problem, but all of a sudden shes opening up :( , I then call her and shes hunting on not taking a blind bit of notice.

Half a dozen calls and she finally decides to come back, I ask her to sit.........nothing, all the while I am pulling my fecking hair out.

Back on the lead and into the back of the landy, I called that dog all the c*nts under the sun on the way home, but all the while, I know I am just as guilty. :icon_redface:

Just when your getting cocky, your dog will give you a poke in the eye.

Ahh well, all part of the highs and lows of owning dogs, back to square 1. ;)

Be lucky all,


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Guest Geordie

Thanks fellas ;)


Erm i did see someone with a large white/cream coloured lurcher off in the distance yesterday,but i was in no position to say hallo if you get my drift :ph34r: :D


Wasnt any of you lads who live up that way was it????? :whistle:

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