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docked tails - does it matter?

Guest hpool_hunter

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It doesnt make a bit of differance to the dog if it has a tail or not. The reason for tail docking is dogs with full tails tend to damage the tail tip whilst working, which can lead to further problems (poisoning of the blood ect). Dogs with docked tails do not get this kind of damage.

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would never have a terrier with a full tail,dont know if it hinders them or not.they just dont look right.



They all look the same in the dark so it must be rosettes you's 2 hunt


yes mate obviously, well done secrets out :wallbash:

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Guest blackntan
would never have a terrier with a full tail,dont know if it hinders them or not.they just dont look right.



They all look the same in the dark so it must be rosettes you's 2 hunt


yes mate obviously, well done secrets out :wallbash:

docking was was done well before shows mate ill let you work out why mate
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would never have a terrier with a full tail,dont know if it hinders them or not.they just dont look right.



They all look the same in the dark so it must be rosettes you's 2 hunt


yes mate obviously, well done secrets out :wallbash:

docking was was done well before shows mate ill let you work out why mate


not toooo sure what your getting at there

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From an 'outsiders' point of view!

Spaniels used to be docked from a 'working' point ie the feathers on an undocked tail got caught up in brambles etc and often the tails got broken. Tails were originally docked to prevent this I believe?

As for other breeds not sure of the history of docking.

I have now got a undocked cocker, took some getting used to but dont seem so bad now.

Having said that he isnt a worker!

The guy I got him from always docked his pups but did say the fine for illegal docking is way over a grand!

You can still get working dogs docked but I believe it has to be done by a vet who is willing to do it, and you have to have a good reason.

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From an 'outsiders' point of view!

Spaniels used to be docked from a 'working' point ie the feathers on an undocked tail got caught up in brambles etc and often the tails got broken. Tails were originally docked to prevent this I believe?

As for other breeds not sure of the history of docking.

I have now got a undocked cocker, took some getting used to but dont seem so bad now.

Having said that he isnt a worker!

The guy I got him from always docked his pups but did say the fine for illegal docking is way over a grand!

You can still get working dogs docked but I believe it has to be done by a vet who is willing to do it, and you have to have a good reason.

read the law you don't need a reason , working dogs yes working dogs , any one who presents a vet that will carry out the procedure it is not an operation , with a shotgun license or written permission , or letter signed by a huntsman, can have there dog docked, wake up this law was put together by antis, foook show dogs and the kennel club , the working breeds need to be docked if you don't work you dog why buy a working breed a cover hunting breed why did you not buy a lab or a lap dog, the docking law is another attack on are way of life , would the stop muslims caring out the slaughter for hellal meet and i know thats spelled wrong , no because its there religion well hunting shooting and fishing is mine foook the ban
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Guest blackntan
supose the tail is very likley to get injured but i dont supose it matters....think its more to personal preferance
of course it matters , you can not bolt a fox from a big cover with two hounds , you can not shoot every fox that bolts, you can not use a soft terrier, to bolt a fox fom every earth, all laws to take away are culture as is the docking law, wake up working terriers and cover gun dogs need to be docked , i don't care about looks , a terrier with a undocked tail in a tight space will come unstuck some time and may even not be able to maneuver back wards and before any one says it some times the need to go back to go forward, these do gooders will whittle away at every opportunity , don't give in to them , find a vet who will dock ,or hope the bitch bites them off :whistling:
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a freind of mine as a terrier , but its tail is not docked , its 1 year old , and is comin on well , bushing/ratting , will it matter with his * longer* tail , as i dont know a thing about terriers . it does i must admit look odd with a tail , but thats because im always assumed they would be docked .




only if it tries biting with it's arse & tail gets in the way thought it was other end it worked with :duh:

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would never have a terrier with a full tail,dont know if it hinders them or not.they just dont look right.



They all look the same in the dark so it must be rosettes you's 2 hunt


yes mate obviously, well done secrets out :wallbash:

docking was was done well before shows mate ill let you work out why mate


Docking was a tail tax, levied on the poor by the wealthy landowners, and as the poor couldnt afford the tax, they had no option but to dock their dogs - look it up on google.

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From an 'outsiders' point of view!

Spaniels used to be docked from a 'working' point ie the feathers on an undocked tail got caught up in brambles etc and often the tails got broken. Tails were originally docked to prevent this I believe?

As for other breeds not sure of the history of docking.

I have now got a undocked cocker, took some getting used to but dont seem so bad now.

Having said that he isnt a worker!

The guy I got him from always docked his pups but did say the fine for illegal docking is way over a grand!

You can still get working dogs docked but I believe it has to be done by a vet who is willing to do it, and you have to have a good reason.

read the law you don't need a reason , working dogs yes working dogs , any one who presents a vet that will carry out the procedure it is not an operation , with a shotgun license or written permission , or letter signed by a huntsman, can have there dog docked, wake up this law was put together by antis, foook show dogs and the kennel club , the working breeds need to be docked if you don't work you dog why buy a working breed a cover hunting breed why did you not buy a lab or a lap dog, the docking law is another attack on are way of life , would the stop muslims caring out the slaughter for hellal meet and i know thats spelled wrong , no because its there religion well hunting shooting and fishing is mine foook the ban

Look mate if had wanted a dog for working, and it would be a Spaniel, it would be docked! The dog we have now is my daughters I dont have the time to train a pup or the work for one at present! My previous springer was docked by me and my mate whose pups they were! As for the law being bought about by antis I dont think so! I am not anti docking I think it should be done.

Edited by masmiffy
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