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For all who missed it.........

Didn't some rules come into place a few months ago about nudityetc on this forum? I think this is outrageous, I shall write to my MP

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what charity has been decided on? I think that would go far towards helping potential sponsors make decisions about what they are willing and able to dole out.


BADA are phoning me this week to discuss us donating to them and lurcherlink, im going to get in touch with them this wk x

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How we started

Borreliosis and Associated Diseases Awareness UK (BADA-UK) is registered as a charity in England and Wales, and in Scotland. It was formed by a group of people who were brought together by the effects of Borreliosis / Lyme disease and other associated infections. All of our staff are unpaid volunteers from different professional backgrounds (such as scientists, medics, teachers and other professionals), who have agreed to use their skills to try to help address the increasing problem of ticks and tick-borne disease in the United Kingdom.


Our own experiences

The prognosis for a patient is usually good if tick-borne diseases are treated early and adequately. However, misdiagnosis, delayed diagnosis, incorrect treatment, or total lack of treatment, has resulted in most of our members being ill for many years. For some of us, this has led to permanent disability.


Our aims

We believe that public and professional awareness is key to combating the rise in cases of tick-borne disease. We understand, perhaps better than anyone, the devastating effects that these diseases can have. Therefore we strive to help prevent others from falling victim to them.


Our charitable aims are:

The advancement of education in the subject of Borreliosis and other diseases which are principally, but not exclusively, tick-borne.

The promotion of research into the areas of such diseases described above, their symptoms, cures and prevention, and the dissemination of the useful results of research to the public.

The preservation and protection of good health by education, research and other means as become available to us.

Our activities

We work closely with other organisations who share our concerns regarding the impact of ticks on the environment as a whole, and on people who work and pursue leisure activities within it. We also have co-operated with research projects by sharing data collated from our national survey.


We exhibit at various venues across the whole of the UK, to teach members of the public the facts regarding ticks, how to take defensive measures against them, and how to safely remove any attached ticks to minimise the risks of transmission of infection.


We organise an annual national awareness week in spring, when ticks become more active. 'Tick Prevention Week' is publicised in the national media, which helps raise public awareness at a crucial time when people start to get out and about in the warmer weather. It has its own dedicated website (www.tickpreventionweek.org) which remains accessible all year round.



As well as providing a comprehensive website, we are also on hand to answer any questions that people perhaps cannot find the answer to. We also provide support for people who have been newly diagnosed or have concerns about their health.


Our funding

BADA-UK is funded solely by donations and by fundraising events. We do not receive any official funding. The money we raise is used to produce literature, to provide educational exhibits and presentations, to organise our national awareness week and for various other projects.


All our literature is available free-of-charge. It is available from our website and from our PO Box. People without Internet access can also get an abridged form of our website information which comes in the form of a booklet. Although we do not charge for our literature, we always welcome donations towards its production. We also ask for a stamped self-addressed envelope to be included to help minimise our postage costs.


The BADA-UK website is endorsed by the Chartered Institute of Environmental Health (CIEH).

Andrew Griffiths, Acting Director of Policy, CIEH says, "The CIEH takes the issue of tick-borne disease in the United Kingdom very seriously. According to evidence presented in 2005 to the World Health Organisation's project on Urban Pests, ticks are responsible for the transmission of more cases of human disease than any other arthropod vectors in North America and Europe. We therefore welcome the BADA-UK initiative to raise awareness of these issues."

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If you're still after ideas how about the shooting one having someone inside a pigeon hide looking out holding a shotgun but just wearing a camo cap?


And Kay- what's all this talk about a sows ear? I thought you were keeping your clothes ON?



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ferreting.......KAY Staffordshire JANUARY

lurcher......JEMBO AND MLB Gloucestershire.....FEBRUARY

terriers....SCOTTISHLASS .....MARCH

air rifle.......RUNFORYOURLIFE lancs...APRIL

hawks/falconry....MRS GARYPCO Wales....MAY

bull x ......LABNLURCHERS wales......JUNE

bullet gun.......SALLYMONKEY + 1 Sheffield....JULY

whippet............LITTLE LURCHER east coast....AUGUST

Fishing.......FERRETER JOES SISTER hampshire......SEPTEMBER

Terriers (Digging theme).........TERRIERMAIDS DAUGHTER......OCTOBER

shot gun/gun dog(brace of pheasants)......LABADOODLE Derbyshire NOVEMBER



I need piccies of all the girls, min of 1 head and shoulder and 1 full length. Dont need to be pro shots its just to get the lighting and design of the photo x email or pm me x

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The request for pictures, is that as well as what i sent you yesterday or some different ones


sorrry kay. im talkking about the ones you sent me, some of the others havent sent theirs yet x


Ok no problem ;)

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