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memorable pain

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hit a tree stump on a motor bike broke two ribs and split me kidney after the handle bars went in, ten days on me back,broke me shin playing football and eight stitches were the studs broke the skin open twenty six stitches in me lips chin and gums and me bludy mother bless her catching me willy in me zip owch!. :blink: and before any smart arse says owt i was four.

Edited by doga
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  codiethelurcher said:
put veet on my ring thinking it was antisceptic cream


Broken wrist for 7 days before getting it sorted, played rugby with it broken..that was agony! Fell off a swing when i was younger on to the bar that is infront to stop people walking in front of the swings. I was wrapped backwards around the pole so that my feet kicked me in the back of the head! Also agony and in bed for several days!


Not me but a good friend of mine, whilst on holiday, back flipped and landed on a picket fence which went straight through him... here is the CT Scan. See if you can make out what is what!




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Guest lavyheed

When i was about 8 or 9 myself and my mate were on a building site, i clocked a tar barrel we were both looking in the thing when my mate decided to lob a brick into the hot tar, i spent a night in the Edinburgh royal infirmary looking like an advert for Robertsons jam.

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I bit clean through my tonge when i was a kid,was held on by about 3mm ether side.all i know was my sister pushed me off a wall.also split my nose right open top to bottom,fishing hook in my finger and into the bone,small shard of metal in my eye and the docter pick it out with a needle my most recent was nearly being ko'd by a tree that kicked up after i felled it knocking off my helmet on the way up an splitting my head on the way down. Not as bad as some on here but my most memorable pains.


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Some of these are f*****g horrid lol.


Mines probably either when I broke several ribs, coxix (sp) and hair line fractured my back. Was in P.e in school doin gymnastics doing flips off of a trampete over a horse and I messed up and landed on the solid floor at some weird angle and passed out from the pain. Or when I was 7 and was playing football on concrete and some lad tripped me and I landed smack bang on my face smashing my front two teeth to bits. For the next 4 years after that I kept breaking them more and more (the caps and little bits of the actual tooth) bit by bit playing rugby and fighting etc. Iv managed to have a pair of the caps on now for 3 years without breaking them! Thats a record.

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