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memorable pain

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fell of my bike in an enduro, broke my leg, layed in a puddle with the bike on me for 6 weeks (15 mins) landrover ambulance comes over the hill slides on the mud n shite that helped me fall off and runs over me, 6 weeks in traction and 6 months off work, I no longer ride bikes and run when I see an ambulance

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  dai dogs said:
i know we have all been through pain in one form or another. heres one that comes to mind.a few years ago i was cleaning my ear with a cotton bud when one of the children bumped my arm and the cotton bud went deeper busting my ear drum. whats yours ?


Having both of the arteries that run down through your groin severed when the hospital cocked up my c-section. Didnt hurt at the time as i was out for count but still giving me shit 3 years later, even more now that im expecting again!

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Being hit by a Jag in March 27th 1986, I'd borrowed my mates bike to go for a job interview 3 miles away, I never got there, had a broken bone in my hand and a "few" in my right leg, when I say few, I mean the thigh bone was in three pieces and was poking through the skin and between my knee and ankle it was mush, I was told there were 26 bone pieces in and poking through the skin, it was that badly scrambled they spent six and a half hours trying to piece it together before they gave in and then I became a monopod, I'm still here though.




Oh, it did hurt a bit too :icon_eek:

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