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memorable pain

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had my fingers smashed off at work by a big bit of sand stone falling from about 12 ft and taking them through the window sill amputating one smashing the other to a pulp striping the skin from top to bottom was bloody sore .but the pain of that is feck all compared to the pain i have bin in for the last 2 weeks with a slipped disc in my back compressing my sciatic nerve i am in agony just now i can tell ya ain't slept for more than 3hrs a night for the last 2 weeks cause of the pain had a morphine jag did fuxk all for it . :cry:

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I had my shoulder dislocated, fractured, ended up with a chip in the bone and mashed up my rotator cuff during a night out on the lash in town. I didn't even know I had the injury until I woke up in the morning and couldn't move my arm at all. That was real painful, I still get nasty shooting pains now.

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  maxhardcore said:
Had 2 totaly fecked discs in my lower spine. There was daily pain but about once at least every 2 weeks it would be sheer murder for anywhere between 24 hours to a week. I cant really describe the pain at its worst it was that bad . A slight movement , sometimes even no movement was unbearble. It was like severe toothache x 1000 shooting down your spine you just collapsed and lay on the floor screaming. It took me 5 years to convince my doctor to refere me to a specialist willing to do something. In the end a Mr Khrishna performed a double spinal fusion, placed two tears of pins and screws in there to stabalise things and the man done good. Anyone experiencing the same seek him out he's a miricle worker in my eyes. Post op your in fecking agony but nothing compared to the pain pre op. Believe me if id of been told nothing could of been done and id have had to put up with the pain for a lifetime id of probably cracked up and done myself in, seriously.
:o five feckin years :cry::cry::cry: don't tell me i got to put up way this pain for that length of time .more to the point i would need to give up the dogs :cry: you got a number for the guy? av only bin lay up for two weeks but its a feckin jail sentence watch in day time TV no getting out way the dogs and in constant pain that i canny sleep :cry:
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mine was when i was playing sunday league football we were playing a cup game against the police team and i went in for a tackle against a big dosey copper he ended up breaking my ankle in two places now that fecking hurt but at least a few of them got kicked without being able to arrest you for it :whistling:

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Gastroentroitis in a Bangkok hotel,

Line of s**t an puke from crawling on my hands an knees to the bathroom 'till I though sod it I'll s**t an puke where I'm lying.

The stomach pains were undescrible an the young brass that was with me just fecked off after I'd crapped on her the first time.

7hrs of lying in my own mess one of my mates came to my room, I asked for a doctor an he just laughed an got his video camera!!!!!!!!

doctor finally came an got me on a drip an after a couple of injections said 48hr bedrest. No chance.

That afternoon we went to Pataya in a taxi.

The introvenus drip came with us.

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