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Guest mucker

some say if you must resort to violence then you already lost,loada bollocks. :D


i think abit of fear is a good thing..

i been in some scrapes years back and ive always feared the oponent (if you like)so i could never honestly say i was never fearfull.

i dont think a fearless man exists.

on the weapons ive been stabbed once wasnt nice at all soon gets you thinking what you f*cking about at.

one of my more memorable kickings was when i ended up with the word addidas embossed on my forehead,

i just woKE up and it was there the A n the S was missing though but was there for a good couple of days.

id sooner walk away unless i was 100%sure i was,nt gonna be able to .

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Yeah Tomo, read ALL his books, very good fighter,...funnily enough though, i dont think he turnt out many good guys judgeing buy the " Animal Day" videos...i was quite dispointed buy them,...his books make sense though, and i have put a few things from them into practice...the "Fence" is VERY effective, i can tell you!..lol.

Im NOT saying im never scared,...im calling that feeling/emosion, something different...or looking at it differently...as GT said.."Fear,...the friend of exsepional people"...aye Tomo!

As for weapons...as a general rule, i have found, if you can SEE them, 90% of the time, they 'aint gonna get used!...Its when you dont see them, thats the problem!..


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Hi Duz,..

You are talking about Royce Gracie (said Hoyce)...He and a few others (Carlos) where VERY succesful in the UFC,...but the rules have been changed against there favour imo,...they used to just have a fight, and it went on until the fight ended,...but know its three, five minute rounds, or five, five minute rounds for championship boubts,...not good for the grapplers, as many liked to wear an opponent down,...know they even stop the fight if two guys hit the mat and are not actively working for a given move/hold...which is nice in some ways because you get to see more striking, but i feel handicaps the grappler.


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thats why just before a fight people look pale ... its because your body sends all the spare blood to your vital organs to enable you to deal with the exursion of the fight or situation presented to you .............

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Thats right mate,..also why some feel like they need to shit or piss,...its the body trying to empty itself before running/combat...like i said, it NOT fear, its nature!...thats the way we are geared..



PS...been a good read this guys!...keep it up.

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Guest mucker

i remember the gracies,i didnt like that jewjitsue shite???at all, boring to watch i thought.

cant deny it was very affective,dont think it would help you much in the real world though.

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Grappling is a GREAT form of fighting,...ONE person!,..and, imo, only if you have too!...you need to know how to grapple, because other wise, if you dont know, and you DO end up on your back, your f****d!..lol.

But first and formost, you should be a striker, imo anyway...you can fight multiple people, and still be aware of your surroundings,..

I watched a GREAT Judo player in a fight once...this guy could have a scrap i tell you!...he ended up fighting some guy outside a pup, and while he was messing about on the floor, the guy who he was thrashing, his girlfriend stuck a wine glass into his back...needless to say, he tryed to stay on his feet after that..


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Intresteting thread ! i really need to borrow the g thompson dvd of my mate, we used to nock about together at school and recently met up he has become a matial arts instructor and said i really had to see the dvd , some of the stuff he was talking about on the disc was spot on about training your mined etc ,


In the past why is it ive fought my best after getting a kicking first ? got so that i was happy for others to have first punch and take a hidding before i could fire up ! wots all that about :blink:

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The fair fight dose not exist imho, If you get a great big animal bloke intent on having a go at you and you know he is gonna do you some damage, what you gonna do if you cant feck off quick?

Your gonna pick up the heaviest fecking thing you can find, and smash his fecking head into pulp if you can!

yes or no?

You have got to attempt to kill him or he will hurt you bad, and you dont want him coming back for seconds!

Theres no rules when some fecker is trying to take you head off!

Good job Im only a wee fecker who can run fast :haha::haha:

Be Lucky,


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this is a pic of the last team i trained ... every one of them good hard fighters ... the lad on the right started out bare knuckle boxing and had a right like a sledge hammer .... just couldnt stay of the fags and booze long enough to make a career out of the fight game ..........



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