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I would'nt swop a fighting type for an ordinary Joe Blow who takes the time to attend his/her childrens parents evening. Education/a good wife/partner and children are the antidote to people wishing to transfer thier wrongs.




100% correct :good::good:

Be Lucky,



I dont know mutch about the sort of fighting in the clip but this guy fedor is said to be lethal .check him out he got some power :icon_eek:




You would NOT want to owe that big fecker a few quid :blink:

All the best,


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Guest Dillon
Got to be honest fellas the best fighters I know would be my mam & dad.........Bringing up 3 kids on a shitty council estate with my old man working 24 - 7 & struggling to do the best by his family ....... Given us a holiday every year although it f****d them up ....... Trying to make sure we had a great xmas although it would skint them out..............C'mon fellas I bet a few can remember hiding behind the sette when the provy loan bloke came around with your mam cos the f****r knew the score & would look in the window !!! ........ Your old man telling you never to be bullied & always hit a f****r back or hit 'em first if you saw it coming........Remember when my old man was walking home from work & saw me getting a bit of a hiding from an another lad & just walking past cos I was just standing there like a siss.......cried my eyes out & then took it out on the "bullly"..............Think its called character building nowaday....Taught me more than any f*****g lecture could ........Yes lads..................best fighters I know........ ;)



f**k me Taff didn't realise you lived with us :D

Provi Bloke, you were lucky we had a provi bird, built like a brick shithouse :o the whole estate hid behind our settee.

My old man f****d off when I was two, or should I say the old lady f****d him out the door with nothing but his old spice.


The old girl always backed us even though we were little c**ts, she was and still is a fighter, she'd fight to the death for her two lads, I know it. To people like my old lady and many others out there they don't know it any other way.


I work with my old man now and he has given me security, money , and all the things my mother could never give. She is the better one of the two though, honest, singleminded at times broadminded when need be. He aint a fighter but then again he aint never had too.

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Deffo born with it, a mate of mine is like this hes a little bloke but ive never seen him take a doing, but with weapons now your best staying clear of brawls anyways, i threw a guy out of a pub i was working in a few weeks back he was pissed and starting on other customers so had to go, anyway he wouldnt leave on his own accord so had to be removed with force, no real problems there, but a week later whilst i was playing football here the knob comes running on the pitch with a hammer waving it after me!! tosser!!

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Got to be honest fellas the best fighters I know would be my mam & dad.........Bringing up 3 kids on a shitty council estate with my old man working 24 - 7 & struggling to do the best by his family ....... Given us a holiday every year although it f****d them up ....... Trying to make sure we had a great xmas although it would skint them out..............C'mon fellas I bet a few can remember hiding behind the sette when the provy loan bloke came around with your mam cos the f****r knew the score & would look in the window !!! ........ Your old man telling you never to be bullied & always hit a f****r back or hit 'em first if you saw it coming........Remember when my old man was walking home from work & saw me getting a bit of a hiding from an another lad & just walking past cos I was just standing there like a siss.......cried my eyes out & then took it out on the "bullly"..............Think its called character building nowaday....Taught me more than any f*****g lecture could ........Yes lads..................best fighters I know........ ;)



f**k me Taff didn't realise you lived with us :D



Bang on there dillon was thinking the exact same :11:


Taffy my old man was just the same mate .. i thank him for it know though :good: strangley enough i fined myself doing the same with my own kids lol

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Some good sound replys there fellahs!,..

I agree with Trev regarding Tyson,...in his hay day (which imo, was when he was 19-22) he was LETHAL,..boxers feared him, and he would dispatch his opponents...but the last fight i saw him in, he was fighting some Irish lad, who although seemed a nice guy, would have been killed buy a much younger Tyson...You could see Tyson looking around, and when being tended too, he was shaking his head and just didnt want to be there,..he was just fighting to pay off his debt...imo, NOT the sign of a fighter...a fighter should fight BECAUSE he is a fighter,...YES, vast sums of money count!,..everyone has to make a living...but, imo, a real fighter will do it for nothing!

Ali, imo, was the BEST fighter i have ever seen,...in AND out of the ring...he stood up for what he beleaved in, even though he suffered dearly for it...i beleave he was robbed of the three years, when he could have REALY shown us what a good boxer is...although i dont excatly agree with what he did, i admire ANYONE who sticks up for a beleaf,...and there was all the business about his grade being changed to "up" him in the list for enrollment etc,...im sure we will never know the full story.


As i said earlyer, i dont beleave size has anything to do with a fighters ability...everyone has seen/been involved in, a Big Vs Small battle...

Thats why when the UFC started, you could get 180lb guys beating 300lb guys...there was only TWO rules..No biteing, no gouging,..but thats what levelled the match!...the fact that there where NO rules!

But its all changed know!...No groin strikes, no kicking to the head when the mans down etc...all of which can be fight deciders in there own right,...indeed, nothing brings around the conclusion to a fight better than a knee to the bollocks!..lol.

But you are starting to see a different calibre of fighter,...there in better shape, better versed in Striking/Grappling etc....the thing is, most people that go to these events, want to see one thing...and thats a guy beating living f**k out of another guy...its piss' me right off when two guys are grappling, and the crowd starts "Booing & Hissing"...of course its more exciting to see two fellahs go "Toe to Toe"....we all like to see two guys test each other like that!...but there IS a sweet science to the ground game, that only those who know, can appreciate....

But, imo, the ground game IS over rated!,...let me tell you guys summat, ive been to various Dojo's/Gyms in Las-Vegas,...i live between 5-30 minutes away from all the gyms where numerous well known names train,...Chuck Lidell, Randy Cotour, Tito Ortiz etc,...theres some tough guys, with a tough ground game system,...but, imo, none of the grapplers can take a GOOD beating,...striking wise, and i would stick my neck out and say, that there are very few good strikers in the UFC/Pride arenas!...

I mean, lets face it,...these guys are wearing FOUR ONCE (4oz) gloves for f**k sake, and yet a KO is rare!...that alone tells me there is no great strikers...

When people drop names like Nick Diaz, it makes me laugh,...people only think hes good because they havent seen a good one yet!...lol.

Anyway, tahts my two cents!..lol.


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i've heard loads of fight stories, my uncle used to get up to a lot of pub fighting, so did my dad and soem of my mates know the score.


When it comes down to it, you just gotta fight to stay on your feet, I am only 18 but i know about 30yrs ago, not many people would be stamping on peoples heads, much like nearly every fight nowadays.


A true fight is a one on one, no weapons, no booting when down.


Theres too much of all that shit, all these lads wearing big knuckle duster type rings, and they only wear them for one reason - to cause damage.


If you aren't scared about going into a fight..... your lying.


Fight to stay on your feet


personally i'd always try the ol' mind games with sum1 before resorting to punches. You can quite easily mentally beat someone as you can physically.

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Rabbit Hunter, most people (myself included) are NOT scared before a fight...but neither are YOU!..

You see, ive looked into this in quite some depth, and fear is a recent invension...its NOT fear as we know it, but your bodys natural reaction to a hostile situastion...some call it the "Fight or Flight" feeling, but its actaully caused buy a massive adrenal dump in the body, caused buy the brain...

It is a inbuilt thing in any living animal, to a lesser or greater degree...the extra adrenalin is your bodys way of giving you a boost of that exstra "something" when you need it!...if you chosse to fight or run is down the the person/animal,..

Like when your a kid, and you get chased buy the Police, Yard dog, or your Dad with a cane, you feel like you could win the 100 meter record!...that is adrenal dump...hence why you feel REAL tired when you run out of it,..

Thats why certain fighters dont spar as such, they FIGHT,..just like how the SAS and other such people train with live ammo in things such as the "Killing house",..they are becoming accustomed to that adrenal dump, so that they get used to "Live" situasions...much like Military people get "Battle hardened"...they are used to it all, and have been there are brought the T-Shirt...its just natural for them to do that.

Buy understanding your bodys response to a given situastion, you can train your mind and body to react certain ways...in other words, when some leary drunk prick is mouthing off at you, and your hands start to sweat, and your guts start churning, that is your body NATURAL response...its is getting ready to either engage in a confrontasion, or run like the wind to get away from it!..

There is a saying,.."There is nothing wrong with being scared,..its what you do, when your scared that counts!"...and there is alot to be said in that...so buy learning that you are indeed NOT scared, you enable yourself to think properly and dictate how the situastion is going to get played out...thus, hopefully, your stodd there, and the other guy is on the ground with a mouth full of Tic-Tacs, wondering what the fecks has just gone on!..lol.


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Guest Duzabit

Do's anyone remember the Gracie brothers,

think it was Hoyd Gracie who was undisputed

champ freestyle fighter for years.


He was a grappler, and once :D he got hold it was

all over''' :good:



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