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What makes a fighter a fighter,...pride?...desire?...grit?..

Quite a few highly trained guys over here in Vegas,...some have been doing BJJ for upto 10 years etc, and i have seen them defeated buy smaller, less trained (in MMA style fighting that is) in a few rounds/minutes...why?...on paper the bigger guy should win, shouldnt he?...

Ive got my own ideas, but would like to see what other think!?..



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I would agree with the High-Pain thresh hold mate, you MUST be able to take it as well as dish it out...

Stamina is essential in a competison style fight...or controlled combat, set rounds etc,...but a fight in a Pub, i would say you dont need stamina, or to put it a better way, you probably wont need it, as the fight will end to soon...a fight that lasts more than a minute is a long fight, imo..


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You are born a fighter.If you arent born a fighter you can train untill the cows come home and never make a good fighter.Its the same when it comes to knockout punches,you are born with it.Ok,you can train and improve if you cant punch but you will never have the devistating power of a natural hitter :good:

Counter punching in pub fights is the way to win easy because most other guys are trying a monster punch,a quick side step and a short right or left and get back to your pint :whistle: :good:

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True, good fighters can be born, but i would say many are a product of there upbringing, what can happen when there kids etc,...alot of fighters, imo, are a product of there enviroment...then when they start training, they are lethal imo,..

When your struggling (fighting) from day one, you are a fighter without knowing it, just fighting a different battle,...its just a gradual progression from there i think,..

As for side stepping, and getting back to your pint!...sounds like a good plan...but for the smaller guy, a "Premptive-Strike' is always the road to go down,...in other words, if your gonna get into a situastion, get involved FIRST!...that way the fight is over BEFORE it began!,..lol.


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Well said Kye :good: but i dont agree with sly punching but have seen alot of it in the 18 years ive worked and ran doors.When it comes to a one to one,face to face then counter punching is deadly.

As my old fella used to say,"watch the little uns" ;)

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Yeah, i dont know if i would call it sly/judas punching,...if some guy is mouthing off, and imo, it inevitable its going to kick off, im going to hit him,...both people new what was going to happen, and in most situastions, the first one to punch, is normally the winner,..."Best to be judged buy 12, than carried buy 6!"...lol.

Size can have alot to do with it in a fight,...if you have two guys, one being 150lbs, the other 170lbs, both trained and determined, the bigger will win...but this is NOT always the case...

When the UFC first started, there was NO weight catogorys,...when Dan "The-Beast" Severen fough Royce Gracie, Dan dominated the fight for 30 minutes plus!...Dan weighed close to 300lbs, Royce weighed 175lbs!!!...out of no where, Gracie pulled of a traingle choke, and everyone was like, "What the f**k!?"..lol.

But in MOST situastions, the bigger will win, thats WHY they have weight divsions, for man and beast!..



Also, just because you dont go around STARTING fights, dont mean you CANT fight!...

The sign of a true fighter, imo, is when a confrontasion occures, you worry about the fight,...not about losing, or getting banged up, but how badly you can hurt the person you are going to fight with!,...many fighters, once they have that confidence, will walk away from people taking HUGE libertys!.. :good:


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Very true Kye and well put.Ive spent 18years trying to stop fights and that isnt always possible.At times you have to put your own training into action when guys turn on you,especially when theyve just knocked a guy out and they are on a high.Personally ide rather avoid it if at all possible. :cry:

As i said i agree with what most have said ;):good::good:

f**k me,this fighting talk attracts some boys :icon_eek::good:

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As Geoff Thompson once said,.."Im ashamed to have to advocate violence,..but sometimes i have to"... :good:

I think the harder and more you train, the LESS likely a fight will occure...well trained fighters seem to KNOW that they will win,..so why fecking bother!!... :yes:

I think that is when you feel that "Joe Bloggs" is no longer a threat, so some can become complaicent...

That is when you have to change your arena, and put yourself in a situation that you are NOT happy in,..ie fighting some one that KNOWS the craic, and is just as willing to have a do,..

IMO, the fighters that have PERFECT records, are kidding themselves,...if you havent lost a fight, you havent been FULLY tested...

Just my thoughts though, i could be wrong,..


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Funny you should say that Taffy,..

I once watched a fight where a smaller guy (about 160lbs) fought a guy of about 185lbs,..

The big guy dominated the fight for the first five minutes, and had beaten one eye totaly shut, and broken his nose...the smaller guy had broken a hand while hitting the bigger guy,...although the bigger guy dished out more, you could see the total bewilderment on the larger guys face!...why was this little fecker still standing, and how could he still make punishing blows with a broken hand?...

The fight continued, and it was one of the longest fights of that type i have ever seen (roughly nine minutes)

Blow after blow, the big guy kept putting the small guy down, just for the little guy to jump up, gob a load of blood on the floor and keep advancing towards the guy who was clearly less wounded..

Buy this time, the big guy was all but punched out, and although a very god tactision, was clearly not as well condisioned as the small guy stood there bleeding..

They came to a clinch, and the smaller guy landed a great head butt, and bite a small pieace of the other guys cheek out!,..

After the fight, the big guy said to me "Im glad i was BIGGER,...he would have killed me if we where the same weight, another minute of that and i would have given in!!"...

Funnily enough the small guy, when asked about how long he would have kept going, simply replied,.."Until i won"..

Thats what makes a fighter,.. :good:


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Guest Dillon
You are born a fighter.If you arent born a fighter you can train untill the cows come home and never make a good fighter.Its the same when it comes to knockout punches,you are born with it.Ok,you can train and improve if you cant punch but you will never have the devistating power of a natural hitter :good:

Counter punching in pub fights is the way to win easy because most other guys are trying a monster punch,a quick side step and a short right or left and get back to your pint :whistle: :good:



Bang on mate, I hate to fight , it can be a real pain in the arse.

I have served my time on the doors and grown up in a town full of dicks, how many hard guys try it on only to be f****d off because they are brawlers and not fighters, I have been fortunate enough to spend time in a pro boxers company and if he told me anything he told me not to worry about the gobby c**ts and worry about the quiet ones sat in the corner drinking a short.


I think P and G is spot on in the fact that you are born a fighter its not something you can get with age or experience, Tyson was a real card in his day, not many could come close, its not the fact that he grew up in the slums he was born a bad b*****d and subsequently born a fighter. Just my opinions lads and believe me where I was born I saw some real fights and some real f*****g dicks.

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