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Roost shooting

Guest world.hunters

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Guest world.hunters

now that the leaves are starting to fall who else does abit of roosting when the time is right ????


a photo from a while back did abit of roosting few nights before the big shoots.

just enough for a few nice meals lol





share you photos.




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Guest little_lloyd

Last season i took hundreds of pheasants,, night in night out with my airrilfe,, Day and night,, But took alot of birds of ther roost,, my family and friends did not go hungry lol ,, Have not been out this season yet,, but will be out for a look in the tree tops very soon.

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  noddy10 said:
not above board cos you cant shoot phezzies with a airifle :tongue2:


Why not? it is frowned upon admittedly and certainly not sporting but sometimes its necessary. When i worked as an underkeeper we used to thin out the cock birds at the end of the season with the rifle if the guns hadnt done too well on the cocks only days. i've also been asked to get rid of pheasants at stables where they were spooking horses during lessons and in gardens where they were roosting and crowing and upsetting the owner. i also take the odd one for the pot on one of my permissions where the landowner dosent mind.


i am not condoning slaughtering them with the rifle at every opportunity and certainly not lamping at night as its illegal, but at the right time and in the right place the air rifle is the right tool for the job ;)

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on my permision theres loads of pheasant but i leave them alone farmer has them for his shoots .. has couple shoots a year ...

ive only ever shot one with me rifle at the time a bsa lightning .22 it kept pecking my old mini that id spend 3500 doing up ..

jet black polished . it see itself in paint thought theres another cock bird im going to have him so it did for hole week intill i followed him shot him then had him for tea ... mmmmmmmm :clapper::clapper::clapper:

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hope you scare the birds away before you shoot them? (hehehe takin the wet a bit lol)



erm with the right legalalities you can shoot peasents with an argun, or so i beleive..and so do a few others. cant produce the web site though.

Edited by ghillies
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i think it is illegal to shoot birds using artificial light. and pheasant are not classed as airgun quarry. although in the past i have shot loads after dark.silohoette shooting em agaist the skyline on cloudy night's. nowadays i pass pheasants up as i dont like to eat em [ taste like shit] :icon_eek: so i wont kill em just because they sit there and gimme the chance to. vermin on the other hand i will shoot non stop maggies ,crows pigeons ect. but gone are the days were i would shoot summat just because it gives me the chance to. if your eating it thats fine :victory: but i know some who shoot em and do nothing with em . they end up binned or fed to the ferrets..l :thumbdown::gunsmilie:

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  ghillies said:
hope you scare the birds away before you shoot them? (hehehe takin the wet a bit lol)



erm with the right legalalities you can shoot peasents with an argun, or so i beleive..and so do a few others. cant produce the web site though.

its the same with ducks aswell

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  Bush Rummager said:
Fcuk me backwards :wallbash: ......... W.H has asked a question.. juat answer it! dont answer a question with a question :realmad: , and dont tell him how to suck eggs.......... JESUS!


Take a chill pill mate. :whistling::whistling:



Yes I sometimes do a bit of roost shooting, and an airgun will drop a pheasant with ease under 30yds, so long as it's a head shot. Makes for better eating too!! :victory:



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Guest world.hunters

Cheers Bush Rummager mate.


i thought the lurcher section could be bad at time lol :wallbash:


everythink i shoot which i dont shoot often is always used woodys and pheasents ill eat myself and anythink else is good bird or ferret food i dont shoot rabbits at all as i much prefer to run them with lurchers iv shot a few but always seems a waste to me.



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