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Just have a mooch about where you live, most places where livestock are kept/fed will hold em. Supermarket carparks are good after dark, bird feeding area in parks and round takeaway bins ive found them. One of my favourites is at the back of a certain junction off the M1, heaving with em :good:

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ive been down the local docks but there isnt realy much down there, except for voles and field mice, and the odd rabbit which she loves to chase.


theres a mcdonalds near by ill give it ago after dark.



im from port talbot in south wales

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Don't forget to check if poison's been put down (especially allotments)....waste bins around nature gaffs are usually good and canal banks after a fishing match...also any old property thats been pulled down for re-development usually causes movement. Keep close control over your terrier around Mc Donalds type places (never usually too far from traffic) your dog can easy be marking a rat and sight Charlie going for last orders and give chase.




Dont think the National Trust do pest control. Bird feeding areas in Clumber Park, for the Derbyshire ratters - full on em :ph34r:

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If there's any stream's or beck's near where you live preferably not far from a farm...you should start dumping your old food waste and bag's of grain near to the beck's..

It could take a wile for the rat's to build up but at least you will have something to go at.. :good: ..

Is there any land fill site's/allotment's or industrial estate's near to you as they allway's hold the odd rat..


I went out and found an old cafe down on an industry park near where i live, i had more than i bargined for. my terrier went into some brambles out of sight, heared lots of barking and yelping, after 15 or so minutes my dog came out covered in blood. her face was cut along with her neck. I crawled into the the thorns to find a small fox dead, probably a young one.


will she still hunt rats now that shes gone for fox??

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