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I remember one of mine getting tangled in a fly paper once in the shed it fell off the celing :laugh: god it took some getting off & the stufffs so sticky :laugh:



A really old poley I inherited from a guy, God love it, it slept all the time, it was ancient. I put it in the shed while It's hutch dried out. Somehow it got onto the top shelf and into some creosote, it was covered, hissin and spittin. I managed to get it "unbitten" into the kitchen sink, and got a handful of Swarfega onto it. That was when the fun started as it was as slippery as an eel. Somehow we both suvived and we were better friends afterwards, it sort of bonded us together. As an added bonus, though I changed his bedding every couple of days for a while, for weeks, he smelled of creosote. He died in his sleep about a year later, in some hard weather, he rarely came out, but when he stopped eating, I looked in.


There to nosey for there own good sometimes :laugh:

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I used to keep my kayak stored vertically against the wall in my back yard.

One evening an adventurous youngster climbed the spardash wall to about 10feet and dropped inside the kayak through the bit where i sit.Then tumbled down inside to the pointy end of the kayak and squeaked until i rescued her.

I have also found them in the small drain and remedied this by tying a weight under the drain cover as one of my hobbs seemed hell bent on drowning himself down there! :)

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