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lamping bag

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just wondering [bANNED TEXT] type off bag every body uses to carry rabbits when they are lamping thinking of getting something made to carry battery and rabbits when iam out by myself please coul you put pics up [smiley=confused1.gif]

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Ex army rucksack as Frank says, take a plastic 5 gal drum and cut the top off, then put it inside the bag, that way you can neck the bunny and fling it over your shoulder into the open bag, rather than having to stop and take it off each time you make a kill. Heres a pic of mine, its seen some action over the years and has a very distinct aroma of blood n guts :sick: I call it death bag :sick: Its amazing what you can cram in it as well, Tardis bag would be a better name :clapper:



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Ex army rucksack as Frank says, take a plastic 5 gal drum and cut the top off, then put it inside the bag, that way you can neck the bunny and fling it over your shoulder into the open bag, rather than having to stop and take it off each time you make a kill. Heres a pic of mine, its seen some action over the years and has a very distinct aroma of blood n guts :sick: I call it death bag :sick: Its amazing what you can cram in it as well, Tardis bag would be a better name :clapper:



cheers sjm
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Ex army rucksack as Frank says, take a plastic 5 gal drum and cut the top off, then put it inside the bag, that way you can neck the bunny and fling it over your shoulder into the open bag, rather than having to stop and take it off each time you make a kill. Heres a pic of mine, its seen some action over the years and has a very distinct aroma of blood n guts :sick: I call it death bag :sick: Its amazing what you can cram in it as well, Tardis bag would be a better name :clapper:



cheers sjm

I just leg em and hang em round my battery strap,get a good dozen or so on

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I use a small rucksack for the battery, that can also fit 5 or 6, then use a game carrier.

sjm's method looks better.


hi i used to make rabbit carriers with a bit of spring steel rod about 18 inches long and 4 or 5 mil diameter put the rod in a vice bend it round twice like a saftey pin ( wrap it round a broom stale to keep shape ) then just sharpen one end to a point and then bend the other end over so you can clip the pointed end in, make two of them get a bit of old seat belt sew one each end and thats it ! push the pointed end through the hock of the rabbit job done i know it sounds complicated but if you keep the principle of a safety pin in mind then it's easy far better than a ruck sack

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Guest smashygadge
just wondering [bANNED TEXT] type off bag every body uses to carry rabbits when they are lamping thinking of getting something made to carry battery and rabbits when iam out by myself please coul you put pics up [smiley=confused1.gif]



i use a ruck sack carrys 10 un gutted

and battery ,aswell .just genral black with a pocket to hold battery .

suppose you can go as large as you think on depending how

strong and how many you want to carry ;)

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just wondering [bANNED TEXT] type off bag every body uses to carry rabbits when they are lamping thinking of getting something made to carry battery and rabbits when iam out by myself please coul you put pics up [smiley=confused1.gif]


Just like prohunter I use a belt, very tight then push their heads through, then drop them off at roadside, do some more and pick up later in car.

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I use a small rucksack for the battery, that can also fit 5 or 6, then use a game carrier.

sjm's method looks better.


hi i used to make rabbit carriers with a bit of spring steel rod about 18 inches long and 4 or 5 mil diameter put the rod in a vice bend it round twice like a saftey pin ( wrap it round a broom stale to keep shape ) then just sharpen one end to a point and then bend the other end over so you can clip the pointed end in, make two of them get a bit of old seat belt sew one each end and thats it ! push the pointed end through the hock of the rabbit job done i know it sounds complicated but if you keep the principle of a safety pin in mind then it's easy far better than a ruck sack


thats 1 of the methods i use, i started doing that 20 year ago after i got some large 6" safety pins from work, thought i invented that ;)

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