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after a bad start to the week

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firstly I'd suggest any ferreter out there to joing "the national ferret register" as anyone doing a seach for rabbit clearance gets there web page up, and your name and location would be on it, Ive been lucky in the past to get a few good permissions from my info being there

anyway a death in the family put any ferreting trips on hold until after the funeral, bit down in the mouth over it, when I get another contact request from the ferret register, asking if I can help clear a few football pitches, and the guys number, on phoning it turns out its the head guy of......


wait for it :o





anyway, Ive just returned from a meeting with them, they did'nt know I was a pest controller in my job too, so that for them was the icing on the cake, they have offered me all the permission I could ever want, showed me around a couple of areas, as they have large rabbit numbers in most of their parks/gardens, so not only have I got clean cut areas to longnet, but they are also going to pay traveling costs, and pass my number onto anyone that rings them for rabbit/pest control, who I can then charge as paying customers :clapper:


nearly fainted :yes:

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firstly I'd suggest any ferreter out there to joing "the national ferret register" as anyone doing a seach for rabbit clearance gets there web page up, and your name and location would be on it, Ive been lucky in the past to get a few good permissions from my info being there

anyway a death in the family put any ferreting trips on hold until after the funeral, bit down in the mouth over it, when I get another contact request from the ferret register, asking if I can help clear a few football pitches, and the guys number, on phoning it turns out its the head guy of......


wait for it :o





anyway, Ive just returned from a meeting with them, they did'nt know I was a pest controller in my job too, so that for them was the icing on the cake, they have offered me all the permission I could ever want, showed me around a couple of areas, as they have large rabbit numbers in most of their parks/gardens, so not only have I got clean cut areas to longnet, but they are also going to pay traveling costs, and pass my number onto anyone that rings them for rabbit/pest control, who I can then charge as paying customers :clapper:


nearly fainted :yes:

That's great news Steve,I'll be allright fior a spot of lamping then? :D

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