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HMR & SAK mod

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Well, it finally happened - after 6 years use of the SAK moderator, it has finally given up the ghost (on the 31st as well :o )


Notice that things were getting louder & when I eventually got home noticed that a few bits were falling out of it.



Nice new shiney one fitted today, just need to get out & bed it in.

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Well, it finally happened - after 6 years use of the SAK moderator, it has finally given up the ghost (on the 31st as well :o )


Notice that things were getting louder & when I eventually got home noticed that a few bits were falling out of it.



Nice new shiney one fitted today, just need to get out & bed it in.



Jackson Rifles suggest 10,000 rounds out of an HMR, :hmm: how close did you get???

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Jackson Rifles suggest 10,000 rounds out of an HMR, :hmm: how close did you get???



No idea, shoot near enough every 2nd night, mainly the HMR, .22 just gathers dust now, a rough estimate I'd say about 15-30 shots when I'm out.


Went to the shop today, it was between a Sak (£40) or a wildcat(£125), me, being a tight git went for the SAK.

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sepends really on the build. if you want better build then you get the wildcat. i have one and a dm80 and i think the dm80 is the in between the two


the build of the whisper better performer then the sak and a mid way price between the two

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Well..not that much I haven't tried now...just got a SAKO mod (NOT the sak.. SAKO) .... the difference between everything I have got/tried in terms of sound moderation is minimal...and I would not even consider £125 for the wildcat after hearing a pals (he is really p***** off as well)....


.............but each to their own!! :thumbs:


Frankly I'm fed up...SAK on everything now..nothing else worth the trouble or money, the difference is so small!!

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