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stuck up bitches

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What we get is any dog that even attempts to bark in the village, folk automatically assume that it's our mutts :wallbash: and that is thanks to the lazy barstewards next door who have a few dogs they breed from, are kept caged all day everyday, have all ended up "stir crazee" and when one barks they all bark for hours :wallbash::wallbash::censored: There is no input what so ever from the feckers and it is so bad that when I get ours fed, one of the dogs barks to me for attention which a real shame as I think it's a Husky and ready to join in with some/any activity.

They've recently had a litter from a Labrador that have never seen the light of day, just heard all the others barking so anyone who has one of these pups has a problem from day feckin one :thumbdown:

We even have folk turning up on our drive thinking we are breeders and that is down to folk starting a story off and bits getting added as it does the rounds, now that really does piss me off :wallbash: , but I ain't quite "there" ................................YET!!! :laugh::drink:

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what really winds me up are the idiots that use those retractable leads that go one for 50 odd yards and let here dogs come running right up to yours!! then moan whem my terrier gets arsey!!!


Totally agree there i get them round here & they do your head in :censored:


yeah they really get on my nerves. the worst one is some old dear that walks a cocker on one of these contraptions and is now getting nasty each time it tries to get to me bitch and all the old woman says is "oh dear she doesnt want to play with you" silly old cow!!!


id love to slip my terrier off the lead one day


The sort i get are the ones with them fluffy little dogs i have to sit on her here to keep her still & stop her backing out the collar , i am sure they like seeing me cock me leg over the dog :laugh::laugh:

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can i just say read you may have deleted your postes but most of its ther and would you stop contradicting your sorry backside a terrier is a terrier you can do what ever you like to it if it going to fight it will i would like to come to you perthetic training lessons on see how you gwt on with my dog as he has on master and any body else is history he would make you look like a ?????? and once finnished with you go for the poodles you train


you obveusly have never traind a proper terrier laky pat fell or a cross out of them


fair dooos a westy caine norfolk will let you stan on it and let dogs stick ther nose up its arse but most working terriers will take no crap from any strange dog


i think your problem is that labs a prity young lass and has made something off her self training ect and you wish you could be in her shose i think you sould stop telling her how to suck eggs and get arse kissing in steat of sniffing


lab im sorry but you get twits on every forum biggin it telling you this that and any thing and thinking ther the dogs balls when realy ther nothing


and the otherthing is dont let it get to you it could be a kid your argueing with

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timmy if you getting bullied by women and feel abit down, come round

and i will give you a hug to make you feel better :shout:

where was you then? where does she live :D



she was so big and mean though and lives in that gaff snaggs runs his dog on the bypass :( I dont wanna hug off you, you white paki, you must be really ill to be staying off work :clapper:

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"Don't sniff my arse... i'm a Working Patterdale Terrier".....Ask your snapping tackle can it cook the chicken?....if the answers 'No' then i'm afraid it takes orders.....thats the way the world works....you never noticed?...FFS.

i'd be amazed if the dog said no :D

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"Don't sniff my arse... i'm a Working Patterdale Terrier".....Ask your snapping tackle can it cook the chicken?....if the answers 'No' then i'm afraid it takes orders.....thats the way the world works....you never noticed?...FFS.

i'd be amazed if the dog said no :D

"No" is easy for some dogs LT ;):D



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naw naw red come on puppy tell me were and when the lesson is on how to get my dog not to bit other dogs when sniffing is are



go back right back to your first post on this you told lab not to ristran her dog yet you restraing it to let some jump up little mut to sniff its arse so shut your arse and think about what your saying and show me this perthetic nonesence you call training i would love you to show me in fact can i bring a vidio camra to show every body your winding the dog up more


can you cook can you clean

can you dig your self a hole



yep iv ansered it


ps timmy i take it back not all women want a go some red necks do to


sorry for hijacking mate

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could one of the mods please clean this post up after red stady neds told me were to go to get my dog trained


labs you comeing ;)


timmy are you too we need you ther you can grab me buy the collor spin me round and hold me while red sniff my butt to stop me lashing out :clapper:



because i would love to see this methored


ready aim




sniff your little heart out

Edited by diggingdoglad
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Just been out with the dog down a quite lane. Jogging the dog behind the car to get her fitness up a bit. half way down and i see this stupid blonde looking slightly lost and bewildered. As i got near she made gestours as if she wanted to chat so, thinking she may have forgot her way home or something i pulled over. She proceed to tell me, rather than ask me to put my dog on the lead. I dont take nicly to been told what to do by stuck up snobs but laguhed it off and carried on when i heard shoot and dog in the same sentence. that was it i saw red i jumped out and told her just what i thought. She went into her house and i carried on alone the lane. On the way back down i saw some guy shooting. Expecting it to be the keeper to "shoot my dog" i slowed down to give him an oppertunity to say his mind but it wernt and he carruied on doing what he was doing . Up came the lane a 4x4 so flashed it let it coem up and there was this blonde slag with his husband with no teeth who she must have got into trouble before and he started giving it the big man so jumped out again and he soon calmed down. I told her to phone the police even offered to let her use my phone the stupid cow .


I dont normally get wound up by dickheads i normally find it funny(being the wind up merchant i am :angel: ) but when people start talking about shooting dog my blood boils. Anyway after ive calmed down tomorrow i will be excersizing my right to excerise my dog and will be returning:D


ANyone else bumped into dickhead do gooder like this ?


What do you find the best way is to piss them off even more :D

had the same sort of incident the other week off a cockhead of a farmer :angry: my lurcher was chasing rabbs etc through sheep fields. anyways farmer pulls threatens to shoot me dog.theres me boiling over telling him you wont shoot my dog etc.he complaining about her disturbing the sheep and chasing them :blink: she dont go near sheep feckin scared of them :laugh: just pissed me off the knob.steer clear mate they only fecking probs who dont have a clue about lurchers and running dogs etc :thumbs: oh and a way to piss them off even more do something that they dont like you doing :D

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could one of the mods please clean this post up after red stady neds told me were to go to get my dog trained


labs you comeing ;)


timmy are you too we need you ther you can grab me buy the collor spin me round and hold me while red sniff my butt to stop me lashing out :clapper:



because i would love to see this methored


ready aim




sniff your little heart out



:clapper: :clapper: :clapper:



i think id be too tempted to slip lol

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Just been out with the dog down a quite lane. Jogging the dog behind the car to get her fitness up a bit. half way down and i see this stupid blonde looking slightly lost and bewildered. As i got near she made gestours as if she wanted to chat so, thinking she may have forgot her way home or something i pulled over. She proceed to tell me, rather than ask me to put my dog on the lead. I dont take nicly to been told what to do by stuck up snobs but laguhed it off and carried on when i heard shoot and dog in the same sentence. that was it i saw red i jumped out and told her just what i thought. She went into her house and i carried on alone the lane. On the way back down i saw some guy shooting. Expecting it to be the keeper to "shoot my dog" i slowed down to give him an oppertunity to say his mind but it wernt and he carruied on doing what he was doing . Up came the lane a 4x4 so flashed it let it coem up and there was this blonde slag with his husband with no teeth who she must have got into trouble before and he started giving it the big man so jumped out again and he soon calmed down. I told her to phone the police even offered to let her use my phone the stupid cow .


I dont normally get wound up by dickheads i normally find it funny(being the wind up merchant i am :angel: ) but when people start talking about shooting dog my blood boils. Anyway after ive calmed down tomorrow i will be excersizing my right to excerise my dog and will be returning:D


ANyone else bumped into dickhead do gooder like this ?


What do you find the best way is to piss them off even more :D

had the same sort of incident the other week off a cockhead of a farmer :angry: my lurcher was chasing rabbs etc through sheep fields. anyways farmer pulls threatens to shoot me dog.theres me boiling over telling him you wont shoot my dog etc.he complaining about her disturbing the sheep and chasing them :blink: she dont go near sheep feckin scared of them :laugh: just pissed me off the knob.steer clear mate they only fecking probs who dont have a clue about lurchers and running dogs etc :thumbs: oh and a way to piss them off even more do something that they dont like you doing :D



i can understand id be pissed off if i was a sheep farmer and that happened I KNOW my dogs can be trusted around sheep but the farmers dont + i take it you was poaching? The fact is if you doing something against someone (as you were, i see why they get pissed off) I was jogging my dog down the road and the only law that it can be argued that i was breaking was maybe not having a dog under control? She was but it could be argued she wernt? Which has no impact at all on any of the people who stuck there noses in or as far as i can see ANYONE at all.

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