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Guest SPUD 1

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Guest Dillon

Each to their own mate, I personally don't ask for money for pups, ( I aint bred a litter in nearly 10 years) I don't advertise them either.

I would just make sure they go to WORKING homes of lads I know, I would rather PTS any pups that didn't get a working home as opposed to giving them to show homes or pets. This is only my opinion.


Some people breed to sell but the type of bloke that breeds for money is the one usually breeding off untried and untested dogs thus filling the dog world with mediocre shit.


A very good mate of mine sells and breeds Borders, he works the Sire and he is some dog to dig off, however all the bitches he keeps are non workers. He makes an absolute fortune with three bitches on the go all the time. I dont agree with him but I dont fall out with him as its naff all to do with me.


Lads can sell there pups for what they want at the end of the day, they have to pay for feed etc. and some lads genuinely need the money.


I recently took a bitch of mine for a line, to a dog owned and bred by a guy on here, from a working pedigree point of view, I should be able to sell the pups for a good few hundred quid each, especially if they are exported, but it won't be happening they are all spoken for and for free.


All the best


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Guest Dillon

Find one from WORKING parents and when I say WORKING not one that has seen two or three foxes, when I was younger a prick from Lancaster sold me a pup from so called working parents, it turned out that the Dam had only ever been ratting and rabbiting and the Sire had only worked 4 foxes, nice looking dogs but couldn't work for shit.

I was 13 at the time and didn't know any better.


I wouldn't have a pup out of a dog that couldn't EASILY kill a fox or a bitch that hadn't seen any service.

It also depends what you want out of a dog, if you just want a ratting dog or a rabitting dog then most breeds will do this, if you want a digging dog then steer clear of the Plummers, the majority of Borders are show dogs with a few exceptions, Lakeys and Fells/Patts are probably the most popular.


Just be careful because there are plenty of people willing to take your doe and say it is from Gould this Parks that ........ seen em all .


As far as how much goes, well all I can give is my opinion, I wouldn't be paying over £150.

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Guest SPUD 1
Find one from WORKING parents and when I say WORKING not one that has seen two or three foxes, when I was younger a prick from Lancaster sold me a pup from so called working parents, it turned out that the Dam had only ever been ratting and rabbiting and the Sire had only worked 4 foxes, nice looking dogs but couldn't work for shit.

I was 13 at the time and didn't know any better.


I wouldn't have a pup out of a dog that couldn't EASILY kill a fox or a bitch that hadn't seen any service.

It also depends what you want out of a dog, if you just want a ratting dog or a rabitting dog then most breeds will do this, if you want a digging dog then steer clear of the Plummers, the majority of Borders are show dogs with a few exceptions, Lakeys and Fells/Patts are probably the most popular.


Just be careful because there are plenty of people willing to take your doe and say it is from Gould this Parks that ........ seen em all .


As far as how much goes, well all I can give is my opinion, I wouldn't be paying over £150.

Thanks mate :good:

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Find one from WORKING parents and when I say WORKING not one that has seen two or three foxes, when I was younger a prick from Lancaster sold me a pup from so called working parents, it turned out that the Dam had only ever been ratting and rabbiting and the Sire had only worked 4 foxes, nice looking dogs but couldn't work for shit.

I was 13 at the time and didn't know any better.


I wouldn't have a pup out of a dog that couldn't EASILY kill a fox or a bitch that hadn't seen any service.

It also depends what you want out of a dog, if you just want a ratting dog or a rabitting dog then most breeds will do this, if you want a digging dog then steer clear of the Plummers, the majority of Borders are show dogs with a few exceptions, Lakeys and Fells/Patts are probably the most popular.


Just be careful because there are plenty of people willing to take your doe and say it is from Gould this Parks that ........ seen em all .


As far as how much goes, well all I can give is my opinion, I wouldn't be paying over £150.

well said mate if they all stuck by your morals they would b less shit flying about :good:

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I paid £200 for my Patterdale pup, it's parents are excellent working dogs and of good breeding (not that I'm bothered about the lines). I really wanted a dog from that litter, I waited long enough, so I was happy to pay £200, I would have paid more. We spend £450 on our pointer, it depend how badly you it.

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Guest mucker

the most i paid was £200 was a bad buy..the least i paid is £120 and a good buy.

a litter was recommended to me on the other site a couple of years back the lad that gave me the tip off said he,d had his name down on a pup for 2 or 3 years "these will be mustard and very rare to have any available" he said and gave me the breeders number.

£300 quid i think the price was,i rung the fella up put me name down for one because i was deperate for something out of good stuff

anyway a couple of weeks old the pup died ,gutted at the time but since found out he didnt really do alot with dogs just carts them round the shows every year for the rosettes..terrible..

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Wasnt it Cyril Breay who said "Never breed from a dog (male) unless it can kill a fox!"...Thats the road im sticking to i tell thee!..lol..i suppose it better when you have a dog AND bitch doing it mind you!...lol.

Pups are never a sure deal, but i wouldnt mind paying up to 150 quid for a well bred one...i think my lass payed 500+ for her old Mauser (Old Jones type white dog) which is a hell of a price for a pup...but luckily, he turned out to be one of the best terriers i ever dug to, and i would have a kennel full of them just like him,...sadly RIP now though.

Of course a MADE digging dog, i dont know if you can put a price on them!...a dog that you can go to a hole, enter and dig one hole, with dog an inch from his quarrys face, or latched on, EVERY time is worth his weight in gold imo!...and yet i still know guys who could sell a dog like that, for $$$$$$, but would give it away to genuine lads if they needed it...

I have met some of the best people in my life through the dogs,...BUT...ive met the biggest c@#ts in the world as well!...lol.


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Guest Dillon
I paid £200 for my Patterdale pup, it's parents are excellent working dogs and of good breeding (not that I'm bothered about the lines). I really wanted a dog from that litter, I waited long enough, so I was happy to pay £200, I would have paid more. We spend £450 on our pointer, it depend how badly you it.



Hello Fletcher,


I am merely trying to help a lad from getting ripped off as he was asking for advice, yes plenty of lads will sell him a way overpriced pup but I was just trying to help him steer clear of the money men.


Usually a cheaper litter of pups will come from lads who first and foremost work their dogs, they are more interested in keeping a line going than making money. I have bought plenty dogs , but hate the dealer type trade that comes with terriers and lurchers.

It f****d the Borders, f****d a lot of Russels (white Lakelands my arse) and is going a long way to f*****g up the Patts.

Ten years ago you wouldn't have heard of Patts in a pet home, now the women and posers go bonkers for them.


Why wouldn't you bother about bloodlines in a terrier just out of curiosity, do you bother about bloodlines in your pointer ?? just curious genuinely





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Guest mucker



Hello Fletcher,



Usually a cheaper litter of pups will come from lads who first and foremost work their dogs, they are more interested in keeping a line going than making money.






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Guest Dillon
Wasnt it Cyril Breay who said "Never breed from a dog (male) unless it can kill a fox!"...Thats the road im sticking to i tell thee!..lol..i suppose it better when you have a dog AND bitch doing it mind you!...lol.

Pups are never a sure deal, but i wouldnt mind paying up to 150 quid for a well bred one...i think my lass payed 500+ for her old Mauser (Old Jones type white dog) which is a hell of a price for a pup...but luckily, he turned out to be one of the best terriers i ever dug to, and i would have a kennel full of them just like him,...sadly RIP now though.

Of course a MADE digging dog, i dont know if you can put a price on them!...a dog that you can go to a hole, enter and dig one hole, with dog an inch from his quarrys face, or latched on, EVERY time is worth his weight in gold imo!...and yet i still know guys who could sell a dog like that, for $$$$$$, but would give it away to genuine lads if they needed it...

I have met some of the best people in my life through the dogs,...BUT...ive met the biggest c@#ts in the world as well!...lol.




Well mate,


A made digging dog, well there is no limit to what I would pay, I would pay good money, and I mean good money for a dog that is MADE, f**k me if you could buy in what takes years to get :blink:

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