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SAD! Get the tissues ready girls!

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Digzy is that a pic of a Spanish Galgo? Those poor buggers .... looks like that one was hung with it's feet on the ground so it would take longer to die - common practice over there, sadly.


Some of those spanish hunters want beatings of epic proportions for the torture and neglect they inflict on their dogs.

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Digzy is that a pic of a Spanish Galgo? Those poor buggers .... looks like that one was hung with it's feet on the ground so it would take longer to die - common practice over there, sadly.


Some of those spanish hunters want beatings of epic proportions for the torture and neglect they inflict on their dogs.



lurchergrrl am sure it is a spanish calgo a heard that they course them in matches and hang the looser. a seen a documentry on it once :cry::cry: must be some sad scum to do that i say .

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Guest foxyjo.

:angry: It's in general talk...why shouldn't it be here?????


Personally, I couldn't give a flying f*ck who used it, the message is the same.


Puppy farming is a disgusting practice, as are the people who do it.




PS, I loved the prayer for the terriers :clapper:

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