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Buggered Scope


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:( sadness, unfortunately my beloved bangstick was knocked over by a clumsy asshat. Apart from a little dink or 2 to the stock it's not screwed..... However, the scope took a dink too, and sadly even with the windage turret out to the stops it shoots 4 mildots left of true at 20yards :(



Is this the end for my scope ??? ... or is there anyway of rectifying the error [apart from dropping it onto the other side and seeing if that knocks the reticle back LOL]

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  cunninghamb said:
i read somewhere that if you twist the turret all the way to one side, then count how many clicks it takes to get all the way to the other side. then divide this number 2, and click that many clicks. do this to both turrets and hey presto your scope should be centred and then you would need to zero it.


hope this helps 8)


all the best



Thanks for the answer cunninghamb... sadly I have already tried this, 400 clicks from right to left, backed it off 200 and its way off still. wound right the way out to the right its still off 4 dots..... I fear I may be forking out for another scope :(

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if it keeps goign to the same spot no matter what the internal leaf springs broke... or if it has actual spings in it it may be repairable.


when you screw it in it push's on a return spring bascaly..most are a prong of the side of the tube, a good bang (or a desent springer kick) brakes it...

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If i were you bud, try one last thing before you write the scope off completely - try to do the second method i mention in the zeroing sticky - optical centering.


If that does not work, then that would seem to show that something is most definately not right within the scope body.


If that fails to do the trick, then all i could suggest is that you will need to have a photographic shop ( and by that i mean one that deals with repairs, not just the sale of photographic instruments, like) look at it?




All the best,


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