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First time out with the boys

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Was out yesterday with my 2 hobs for the fist time at a warren near my house (on my permission). Spent ages netting the holes up and then finally put the boys down. They dove in and out every hole noses going mad sniffing every nook n cranny. Eventually they both rose and not a single bunny :( Was real gutted as I know there is rabbits there (cause there's shite everywhere lol and the holes are being dug out more and more) Does anyone know why there wasnt any rabbits and if there is a certain time of day that would be better??




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What age are your ferrets they might be young just learning the job?. Might be the burrow are what we call play hole's only use when the rabbits are hard pushed . Try putting a lamp over the land at night to get a true idea of rabbit numbers mate

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Having a good dog to mark up will tell you weather anyone is at home, plus if they are young ferrets they might not be up to the job of moving them just yet, not all bunnies will bolt, and young ferrets on stubborn bucks with there backs up sometimes struggle and come away.

If you have an older proven ferret, run this with the young one's to give them a hand to start with, they soon get the hang of it then!

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Was out yesterday with my 2 hobs for the fist time at a warren near my house (on my permission). Spent ages netting the holes up and then finally put the boys down. They dove in and out every hole noses going mad sniffing every nook n cranny. Eventually they both rose and not a single bunny :( Was real gutted as I know there is rabbits there (cause there's shite everywhere lol and the holes are being dug out more and more) Does anyone know why there wasnt any rabbits and if there is a certain time of day that would be better??






Having a good dog to mark up will tell you weather anyone is at home, plus if they are young ferrets they might not be up to the job of moving them just yet, not all bunnies will bolt, and young ferrets on stubborn bucks with there backs up sometimes struggle and come away.

If you have an older proven ferret, run this with the young one's to give them a hand to start with, they soon get the hang of it then!


Just had my two hobs out for the first time today with another couple of good working ferrets and they seemed to do alright, might of been a diferent story if we did'nt have the older more wiser ferrets with us but you could tell they had it in them as they got stuck in. If you could go out with someone who has proven working ferrets yours should pick it up no problem.Big thankyou to scrutchy and he's dad for a really good day out, must do it again soon, cheers, Liam....

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Yeah I did have my dog down a bit before the ferrets were put to it and there was definitly something there cause he starts to dig at it and his tail goes mad. It is possible that the rabbits just wont bolt lol. I lamped it 3 days ago and only counted about 5 sets of red eyes so its definitly got rabbits. The ferts are about 4 months old so wouldnt surprise me if thay cant move a buck. I dont have any access to an experienced fert

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depends how deep they are working mate, sometimes a young ferret will only work shallow, so the rabbits may be down deep and the ferrets not finding them. If you can get hold of some experienced ferrets to put in with the others, they should follow. Also if you go as early as you can they tend to bolt better, also if its real windy they dont bolt to good aswell as you being noisy

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Cheers for the help folks :thumbs: I did think they werent going very deep as I could still hear them snuffling about lol. Would putting them down more often help or do you have to have an experienced fert with them? as there is nobody in my area (that I know) who has any ferts used for working

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some times rabbits dont like to bolt, if there was wind that dnt help at all, but if it is a big warren put them down every hole untill you get something bolting.. good luck :victory: also maby try some were lese with heaps of rabbit.


i wouldnt say 4 mounths is too young, id say good time to start them, i start them at 2 1/2 mounth, but that is me .

Edited by victor
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Its only a small warren (bout 5) It wasnt that windy but I was with my mate (who cant be quiet lol) so I bet that didnt help. There isnt alot of rabbits in my area because mixie got them all argh. There is a few left but hopefully there'll be heaps more next year lol.

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